Chapter 21

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"Running away?" Emma echoed Killian's earlier statement in disbelief. She couldn't believe that he had accused her of running away...and to her face. Emma had been bottling up her emotions for most of her life, it was just easier. However, they had been bubbling to the surface all day and she felt like she was about to topple over the edge.

"Running? Hiding? Avoiding? Pick one!" Killian claimed heatedly from behind her.

Emma twisted around to face him, her usually calm demeanor quickly changing to one of anger. Her nostrils flared and her eyes flashed what she hoped was a deadly stare. If Killian wanted to pick a fight than she would give him one, she wasn't going to admit anything.

"Really?" Emma hissed at him through clenched teeth.

"You haven't said more than 2 words to me all day...I'd call that avoiding love."

Killian found her breath-taking when riled up, the vibrancy and life she exuded simply floored him. It seemed like he was always the one on the receiving end of her anger... she had challenged him ever since he had first set eyes on her in the elevator. He wasn't about to step back now and from the looks of it either was she. Killian arched his eyebrow as if daring her to confront him.

Emma threw her hands up in the air, "I am focused on finding Gold...not on making friends!"

Killian took several quick steps towards her, "That's good because I don't want to be your friend."

His eyes smoldered, speaking more than his words and she wasn't sure she liked what they were implying. Emma held her ground as Killian inched closer to her.

"Don't!" She snapped.

"It happened." The low timbre of Killian's voice shot sparks straight through her.

"It shouldn't have!" Emma retorted, straightening her spine and placing her hands on her hips.

"But it did!" Killian growled vehemently.

"What do you want from me?" Emma exclaimed, hating that he was pushing this line of conversation. She knew he was still seeing Miranda but things between them had become so muddled that her head was becoming too fuzzy when around him.

Killian's eyes had narrowed and his brows had furrowed, "To acknowledge me...this."

He swayed closer to her but knew that he couldn't touch her. If he touched her she would definitely run!

"We kissed, that was it!" Emma told him candidly, trying to brush their moments aside and eep her face stoic.

"It was more than that Swan. I was there!" Killian gave her a devilish smile, putting his playboy status to good use. The dashing and charming behavior had never seemed to work on Emma before but he was getting desperate.

"You were grateful and in the heat of the moment you acted on that." Emma hated that she was coming across so unfeeling and robotic but she couldn't let him discover the effect he had on her. There was too much at stake. Too many people had already left her.

"It was more than that." Killian insisted moving slightly closer again. She wanted to look intimidating and uncaring but Killian didn't seem to be buying it so she decided to use his proximity against him. She needed to prove to him that there was nothing more between them.

She grabbed his shirt and dragged him up against her. His breathing hitched while she fought to keep hers even.

"This attraction is because we have been forced together...nothing more." Emma told him, trying to prove that she could control what was happening.

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