Chapter 13

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Emma watched as a tall, brown haired man entered her room. His hair was longish with a slight curl that simply added to the powerful physique that he presented.

Her eyes met his and she noticed that they were a piercing blue, though deeper in color than and not as alluring as Killian's.

There was a familiarity that niggled at the back of her brain as something about him seemed to remind her of someone. Emma narrowed her eyes in fierce concentration.

"Swan," Killian's voice broke her thoughts and her eyes moved to focus on his face. Killian looked weary and worried.

It surprised her.

"Graham is the head of Hunter's Security. He has done  man jobs for me and has earned his place as a trusted and loyal friend! I am placing your safety into his hands."

Hunter's Security was a big deal in the industry. Government funding only stretched so far and Agents like her were already stretched thin with a heavy workload. Most people wanted a private company with resources that would go the extra mile. Hunter's was well renowned for having very efficient and well trained operatives that had a success rate of over 95%. They offered many services and Emma had frequently liaised with personal bodyguards, private security and surveillance teams in the course of her investigations. Though never before had she dealt with any of the 'higher ups'.

"I don't think that..." Emma protested before a furious voice interrupted her.

"NO!" Killian heatedly barked, "Graham will be at your side 24/7. No argument!"

Emma opened her mouth to object but felt Killian reach out and squeeze her hand. Warmth spread up her arm and all of her words fell away.

"You need to do this for me, Emma." He whispered softly, a complete contrast to his little outburst.  Emma was slightly taken aback by his use of her first name, he generally liked to call her by her surname. Which she loathed to admit that she was growing fond of!

The intensity of Killian's gaze was drawing her in and his thumb was absentmindedly rubbing circles against her hand causing an unwanted heat to unfurl. Her eyes flicked to Killian's lips and her breath caught as his tongue darted out to wet his lips. It was an innocent enough action but one that had her heart racing.

The moment was broken when a discrete clearing of the throat was heard from Graham. Emma's eyes flew to the newcomer and she shot him a dirty look, heat rising up her neck and onto her face from being caught in a moment with Killian.

"It appears Miss Swan that someone is out for your blood." The brogue in Graham's voice startling Emma. It was definitely sexy but she couldn't help but compare it to Killian's.

"I'm not sure why I am the target," Emma told Graham as she watched Killian stalk to her window. He stood rigidly with his arms folded across his chest.

"You have been targeted twice within one week. In my line of work that means you either know too much or have something of value. Which is it?" Graham asked her as he moved closer to her bedside.

"It just has to be a coincidence," Emma argued. She said the words but she knew that it was no accident that she had been involved in two incidents in such a short amount of time.

"Until we discover either way, you are stuck with me!" Graham told her sternly.

"You will not go anywhere alone. You will give me an advanced schedule and you will listen and follow every command I give."

Emma nodded her head mutely; she knew what a bodyguard's position entailed and for the sake of her cover did not object to anything Graham was saying. If anything she felt at home in his presence and knew that they would have many things in common.

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