Chapter 38

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Emma sucked in a sharp breath. Her heart was pounding so loud that she was afraid it would stop. White noise was roaring in her ears and she could feel tears welling in her eyes.

"I just can't act like I don't love you anymore."

"There has been so much confusion between us but I don't want this to be something that remains unsaid." Killian's forehead touched her, his soft breath fanning her face.

Emma felt wetness staining her cheeks and she pushed forward, closing the small gap that separated them. She brushed her lips gently, teasingly against Killian's. The kiss was different to any they had shared previously, it was soft and clingy.  

Killian pulled back, his thumb coming up to wipe at the tracks of tears on her skin.

"You are everything I would never have dreamed I could have," Emma whispered. 

"I am so scared that I will blink and this will all disappear." She confessed.

"Never," Killian with a smile before dipping in for a lingering kiss. 

"I have been so awful to you," Emma moaned, moving her head to the bury itself in the dip of Killian's shoulder. Emma had no idea how she had cajoled such loyalty and passion from him. She had been obnoxious, always skirting around the truth and playing with him.

Killian nuzzled into her hair and neck, his warm breath sending delightful shivers down her back causing her to arch closer to him. His lips teased the hot skin of her neck, sucking lightly. 

 "You were scared. God, I was scared." The vibrations of his words against her skin was incomparable. His lips moved up to graze her ear.

"We all build walls. We all think we aren't worthy." 

Killian's words were honest and they shot straight through to her soul. He was right. She had always been afraid of loving, of getting close to people. Emma had been let down too many times in her past but Killian he'd always been there for her. He'd rescued her, bantered with her, shared his inner most secrets with her.

Emma turned her head so she was facing Killian's jaw. His adam's apple bobbed like a knot in his throat and the scruffy beard that she adored was rubbing pleasantly across her forehead. 

"Can you keep fighting this?"

"No." Emma whispered truthfully.

"I love you." 

Killian pulled back from Emma abruptly, his hands on both her shoulders and his eyes keenly searching her face. His breathing had become shallow and his shoulder slumped forward.

"Say it again?"
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Killian's hands were now gripping her shoulders so tightly that his knuckles were turning white. He looked like he wanted to shake her. His piercing blue eyes had a desperate intensity as they searched hers for the truth.

"Don't play with me Swan," Killian pleaded desperately.

"I'm not playing. You said no more games." Emma breathed.

"Say it," He probed with increasing intensity.

"I'm in love with you!" She finally put him out of his misery with a shy smile.

His face split into a wide grin, an infectious whoop of laughter leaving his lips.

Killian's hands went to her hips and he lifted her up. He spun her around in the air. Her hands gripped around his neck and she threw her head back with a matching laugh.

Her feet touched the ground and his head swooped in. His lips meet hers and Emma thinks she'll never have enough. Her lips part to invite him in and he growls in response. The magnitude of the kiss grew swiftly and Emma felt her knees get weak.

"We still have a lot to talk about," Killian smiled softly as he pulled back to nuzzle the side of her jaw. Emma had never seen Killian Jones smile so much in the entire time she had known him. 

"I agree. I have so much to explain. To answer for."

"We have time Swan," Killian gave her another quick peck.

"I do really have to get back to work."

Emma smiled, "I know. So do I."

"Dinner? My place?" His low tone sent shivers straight down her spine, spreading goosebumps down her forearms.

"Mmmhmm," Emma agreed, slipping a few sweet kisses behind Killian's ear. 

A knock on the door had Emma finally take a good step back. She quickly ran her fingers over her hair and down her clothes to ensure she looked professional. She risked a quick look at Killian and saw that he looked thoroughly disheveled. His hair was tousled and his suit looked crinkled and messy.

God he looks delicious.

"Enter," Killian commanded as he turned around to sit back behind his desk.

The office door opened and in walked the last person Emma had excepted.

"Graham," She smiled and took the few short steps forward to envelop him in a hug. His arms came around her and gave her a quick squeeze before stepping to the side. 

"It's so great to see you Emma," Graham's melodic tone washed over her and she hadn't realized till now that she'd really missed his company.

"Welcome back Graham," Killian's voice drifted from across the office. 

"It's nice to be back, I'm glad that I can assist you both again."

Emma's brows furrowed in confusion, "Both? Back? What work could Graham possibly have with Corsairs?"

"Not with the company Love," Killian winced slightly. He knew she was not going to be pleased with his arrangements. To be honest he'd decided to bring Graham back in before this progression in their relationship, so he hoped she'd understand. He just wanted to protect her. 

If anything were to happen to Emma. He felt his whole body shudder at the thought.

"Graham is here as your bodyguard,"

"Jones, You didn't tell her?" Graham hissed.

Killian felt the daggers shooting from her eyes as they pierced his soul. He watched Emma's entire body tense. Gone was the soft, carefree woman of just mere minutes ago and in her place was the spitfire that he loved just as much.

"Like hell!" 

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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