Chapter 4

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Emma just stared at Killian, dumbfounded. Being at a loss for words was something that rarely happened to her. In her line of work, if she wasn't quick on her feet and quick with repartee then she would fail.

"Cat got your tongue Swan?" Killian's voice broke through her daze and she pursed her lips as her brow furrowed in confusion.

"You're serious?" Emma questioned skeptically.
Killian gave a slight inclination of his head but Emma still didn't know what game he was playing.

"You have an Executive Assistant...or did you forget? Medium height, dark hair and big blue eyes." She described Belle and couldn't think of any reason why he would get rid of the efficient woman.

"No need to be snarky, I am deadly serious. Miss French is needed in London for personal reasons. She will get you up to speed and train you." Killian explained as the elevator opened to the Lobby. They moved across the expansive space silently before she paused in the centre.

Too say she was surprised was an understatement. Her run-ins with the CEO had definitely not prepared her for his offer.

"Why me?"

It would be a good move for her to accept the position. David had  told her to get as much information and evidence as she could. Working  directly for their main suspect would be seen as a hero move on her part  and give her the access that she was lacking now.

"Why not you?" Killian answered her question with one of his own.

"I don't say things I don't mean." Killian told her seriously as he turned to face her.

Emma knew the workload would be exponentially harder than what she was currently dealing with. It did worry her but she was always eager for a challenge. It didn't help that David would have her head if she passed this up as it could lead to unprecedented access and closing the case much earlier than anticipated.

"When do you want me to start?"

She watched as pure arrogance seemed to ooze from Killian's pores. He had known that she wouldn't be able to resist the promotion. He seemed to enjoy the banter between them  as much as she oddly did and on the plus side, could see that she was a hard worker.

Killian crossed his arms in front of him and Emma tried to ignore the muscles that flexed underneath his shirt.

"Bright and early on Monday."


Emma knew that Killian took his work seriously. The word in the office was that he was already hard at work before even the Janitors had made their first rounds in the morning.

"8am's early enough."

The thought repeated through her head as she strode towards his office. Emma had needed to visit both HR and Security in order to get her clearance levels changed. Among other things, access to the executive floors were restricted to other employees after hours and could only be accessed by card swipe in the elevator.

Belle was not behind her desk when Emma arrived so she took the liberty of tapping lightly on Killian's door.


There were 2 takeaway coffee cups already sitting on the edge of desk.

I need to find out what he drinks.

If someone were to deliver Emma REAL coffee at the Agency she would be forever thankful to them. Unfortunately it never happened and she never had time to run out and get it, settling for the disgusting peculated brew.

Against The Currentحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن