Chapter 36

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One Week Later

It had been so easy to fit straight back in at Corsair's. Killian had never disclosed her status as an Agent and instead had informed the staff she had liaised with, that after the recent events she had been on stress leave. It was like picking straight back up where she had left off but this time without holding onto any secrets. Emma felt so much happier, lighter even as she headed to work each day.

It had been so easy to get into a rhythm. Using all of the resources from her own Agency and full cooperation from the top IT people in Killian's company meant fast progress. They were powering through the databases from all of the sites so they could track down any ghost companies and hopefully trace them back to find any bank accounts or locations that could lead them to Gold. Any extra information was a win. It wasn't an easy task, they didn't just want to cut off one arm of the beast but to shut down the entire beast that was Gold's illegal empire.

The hardest part was avoiding Killian. Robin had provided her with all of Killian's appointments, zoom meetings and free time. If Emma knew where Killian was it would be easy for her to be somewhere else. She could hide out with the IT guys in the computer labs or take a free desk on a lower floor. Robin's words really got to her and she felt her guilt levels rocket sky high. Emma didn't anticipate how hard it would really be to stay away from Killian. For months she hadn't been able to see him but now he was within her reach, she could see him whenever she fancied.

"You know that whatever plan you have cooked up isn't going to work." The dulcet tone of his voice sent shivers right to her core. She craved the sound of his voice.

"I have no idea what you are implying," Emma responded lowly, not even bothering to turn around. Leaning closer to the computer screen and trying to focus.


Emma felt the heat radiating from his body as he approached her from behind. Killian pressed his chest up against her back and lowered his head towards her neck. She felt him just breathing her in.

"You can't avoid me,"

Emma intentionally flicked her pony tail but felt Killian instantly grab her strands of hair and give a gentle tug. His nose quickly buried into the side of her neck and Emma felt how shallow her breathing had become.

How the hell does he still have this effect on me?

"I still need answers,"

Killian's words vibrated against her neck and she felt herself arch back into his touch.

God she had missed this.

"Swaaaaaan" Killian sighed as he dusted kisses against her skin.

Emma flipped suddenly and used both hands to push at Killian's chest. He was stronger than her but did allow her to put a small amount of space between them.

"What do you want to hear? You want to know that I was scared shitless that you would find out I was an Agent? That I was terrified you would leave me alone just like everyone else in my life has? Or that once someone prettier, with bigger boobs came along that you would trade me in?" Emma's eyes skittered around but they never left Killian's. All of the doubts, the secrets she had been burying coming out in one big word vomit.

Killian's eyebrows furrowed as he absorbed the impact of Emma's words.

"You know what? Forget it...I..." Emma huffed before trying to shoulder her way past Killian.

"Oh no you don't Swan," Killian's hands wrapped around her arms and stilled her movements.
He reached one hand up and gently cupped her cheek. His thumb rubbing back and forwards across her skin. His head moved slowly towards hers and she felt the anticipation shudder throughout her entire body. His lips bypassed hers and he gently kissed her forehead.

"I think we are finally getting somewhere,"

Emma pulled back slightly and gazed into Killian's suddenly serious blue orbs.

"You don't have to be afraid Swan," The husky timbre of his voice warmed her insides. Robin's warning and her own guilt began to overwhelm her.

"I can't do this," Emma choked and began to push herself out of Killian's arms. This time he let her go, obviously knowing that he'd pushed her far enough for one day.

"Swan....You can stop running. I will chase never stop chasing you."

It was the rawness in his tone that stopped her in her tracks. Emma didn't turn back around to face him, knowing if she did she would probably just run straight back into his arms.

No! You aren't good for him.

"He's right Killian. I need to get this job done and get out of your life. I can't be the one to destroy you." Emma whispered the last part and hurried out of the room.

Killian hadn't moved an inch.

Who was she talking about?

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