Chapter 15

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Emma watched helplessly as Killian strode to his desk and picked up a small expensive looking vase. He hurled it angrily at the wall and growled his anger out in a deep tone as the glass littered the floor.

She jumped to her feet, regardless of the mess she was making with the paperwork. Emma had never seen Killian so physically enraged, his entire body was rigid and his jaw was clenched.

"I'm going to get Graham. We need to go through this together." Robin told her quietly, not affected in the slightest by Killian's out of character behavior. Emma's eyes drifted back to Killian as Robin left the room quickly and silently.

The anger seemed to have drained out of him as his body hunched over and his hands ran anxiously through his already tousled hair. Killian was muttering under his breath and Emma took several tentative steps forward because she couldn't make any of it out. She had dealt in many situations like this on previous cases and knew how to be professional but the emotion's rushing through her were something new.

Emma had learnt quite fast that Killian had a tendency to hold everything inside, let it eat away at him until it built up and burst out. In that way they were very similar, maybe too similar. 

Sometimes it felt like he was looking straight into her soul, reading her like a book. He saw through her walls and maybe she needed to do the same thing for him.

Killian had his back to her and she reached out her hand to slowly gasp his arm. He twisted suddenly and his eyes bore into hers with an intensity that had her heart leaping into her throat.

"Not again...Not again...Not again..."

Emma finally caught the ramblings tumbling from his mouth. Her eyes narrowed in concentration as she tried to read the wild emotions fluttering across Killian's face. He was as unreadable as ever and Emma had to curse the fact that she couldn't easily place the emotions.

His hands reached out and swiftly pulled her into his arms. Emma nestled her head into Killian's shoulder and folded her arms around his waist. He smelt so delicious, his fragrance wrapping itself around her. His embrace was firm and she felt his head come to rest on top of her own.

Emma felt Killian's body relax and she took a moment to give him a tight squeeze, feeling the now familiar tingles rush through her body from the contact.

The lines between business and personal were beginning to blur. Emma wasn't sure she would be able to separate them soon.

"Who is Gold?" Emma mumbled into his shoulder, trying to seek answers from him.

"I won't let it happen again...not to you Swan! I was so careful." Killian swore vehemently in return.

"You're not making any sense..."

Emma heard the door opening behind her and pulled herself slowly out of Killian's arms. She felt slightly bereft and cold as she took a step back.

"We won't let it happen again Killian," Robin's voice sounded confident as he let himself and Graham into the room.

"It's a message." Killian told Robin as his eyes shot a worried look at Emma.

"All of it. It's all a DAMN message."

Graham came to stand closely next to her and she watched as Killian's eyes narrowed at the body guard.

"Will somebody tell me what the hell is going on?" Emma erupted loudly, she was sick of the tail chasing.

"Start with Gold!" Her demand caught the men's attention and garnered a small smirk from Killian. Emma knew that he was fond of her bossy side and simply gave him an eye roll.

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