Chapter 9

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The light was fading outside but the ambience of the hotel was still breathtaking. Killian was lounging on a small terrace that faced a lap pool overlooking the ocean. His eyes were shut and his drink rested on a rounded side table. Emma moved to the seat opposite him and silently sat, her questions remaining unspoken. Her hands nervously fingered her glass before she took a big swig.

"Out with it," Killian's voice permeated the silence but he still hadn't opened his eyes. Emma found it unnerving that he could read her so easily and with his bloody eyes closed. He always seemed to have a beat on her location.

"What happened?" It was a simple question to ask but the meaning behind it was so much more. She was asking him to divulge things that weren't even officially on record. Things that Killian Jones never shared.

Killian's eyes cracked open and he sat up gracefully before quickly downing the rest of his drink, wincing slightly at the burning sensation.

"Corsair's was not always the crown jewel of shipping companies. My father was more interested in the bottom line and sleeping around than he was in safety or maintenance." Killian's words were bitter and Emma could tell that there was no love lost between father and son.

"When I was 15 he sent me to 'learn' about the way things were done. I worked my way around the shipping fleet, learning all of the various jobs. I loved being out at sea but I did struggle to fit in at the beginning."

Emma could hear the passion in Killian's voice but his eyes were stormy, "I befriended a slightly older boy who took me under his wing and showed me the ropes."

"Liam." Emma deduced using the information he had also given her in the car.

Killian nodded, "My father got wind of our comradery and promptly shipped Liam off to the Middle East/Africa trading routes. I was furious and refused to have anything to do with him. I stepped back from the company and left the ships I had been working on."

Emma frowned, unsure of the significance. Why would he separate the brothers? Killian noted her silence and shuffled forward on his chair, closer to her.

"You're smart Swan...I'm sure you'll put two and two together." He swung himself up and strode back inside but not before throwing over his shoulder, "Early start tomorrow."

Emma sat outside staring at the ocean; Killian had been opening up to her before suddenly deciding to retreat. Maybe he was playing games with her? All she knew was that she was still missing parts of the puzzle.


The car flew down the freeway and into the city of Durban. Killian had been quick to give her directions this morning before becoming noticeably quiet the entire drive. Emma took the chance to take in the scenery and was pleasantly surprised by what Durban appeared to offer.

The car slowed as they approached 'The Golden Mile', Durban's most famous stretch of beach front. In some ways it reminded Emma of Los Angeles and its beautiful sunny weather and surfing beaches.

It wasn't long before the car stopped at a set of security gates. Killian lowered his window and passed security tags to the guard. He checked his clipboard and then proceeded to wave the car through. Emma had spent many a case either at docks or shipping yards, but each one was different and it was important to note all of the features.

The car crossed several railway tracks and passed long lines of containers before reaching a building emblazoned with the Corsair Corporations logo. There were security guards posted not only at the doors but patrolling the areas around the building. Killian punched in a series of numbers and the outer doors to the building opened.

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