Chapter 3

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There was a reason nobody else had entered the elevator. An unspoken decree to avoid the one on the far left. The one that Killian Jones must always take.

Emma's eyes drifted past the furious Killian to take in the woman who was now leaning leisurely against the elevator wall.

Long rich brunette hair framed an excessively made up face and wafts of extremely pungent perfume were quickly filling the small space. More skin was showing than material and the killer heels she wore meant she was looking down at Emma.

Killian Jones sure could pick them. She racked her brain and tried to remember who the last woman of the week was according to her trashy 'research' magazines.

Emma's eyes flicked back to the irritated man in front of her and she simply shrugged.


The way he drawled her name sent shocks rippling through her body. He'd obviously read her staff I.D and was trying to intimidate her. She pushed away the feelings and took a more hardened stance. Killian leant in slightly closer and she got a hint of spice that shot straight to her head. Emma could have sworn that she could feel his stubble against her skin, he was that close.

"Learn your place!" Killian sneered before straightening up.

"How dare you." Emma exclaimed as she placed her hands on her hips and stared straight up at him, ready for a fight.

"Do you know who I am?" Killian asked, his stormy eyes boring into her arrogantly. The aura surrounding him exuded a boldness, a man who seemed to always get what he wanted. Emma had a pet hate for people who acted superior, using their power to intimidate others and knock them down. It always brought back memories of her child hood that she would rather forget.

"You pompous, arrogant..." Emma fired out heatedly before pausing. She let her eyes drink him in, surprise briefly flashing through his eyes before a shutter came down and shielded his emotions from her.

Emma cringed, David was not going to be happy if she got herself fired and on the first day! She needed to salvage this situation rapidly.

Dragging her gaze away she let her eyes drop the carpeted floor in an act of submission. Emma knew from experience that men in his position of power needed to feel that they were the dominate person in these situations.

"I'm very sorry, Sir." Emma all but growled before turning back to face the elevator doors, never once raising her eyes from the floor even though she itched to do so. She felt the exact moment Killian Jones moved away from her and all but sighed in relief.

Emma counted silently in her head to keep her cool and had only reached 5 when the elevator doors opened at her floor. She shot out of the lift like a bullet, fast and furious.

Straightening her spine, she lifted her head and resisted the urge to look back at the elevator. Emma would find Regina Mills and she would do everything in her power to keep this job.

"You're late. Do not make a habit of it or you will be looking for a new job," Regina Mills ordered Emma as they walked into the office space.

Emma glanced around and tried to absorb every little detail about her new workplace. The area was wide and spacious with several desks assembled to allow for shared work. There was a small area off to the side that housed several photocopiers, fax machines and printers. What surprised Emma the most was the relaxed and welcoming aura that seemed to permeate the space. There were colourful flowers everywhere and a cosy little area with beautiful leather lounges and a fancy looking espresso machine.

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