Chapter 37

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"You son of a bitch!" Killian almost growled the words. He'd been mulling Emma's words over in his head for hours. There was only one person in his life that could or would put those ridiculous thoughts into her head.


In his rational mind he knew his friend was just looking out for him but the anger that was boiling through his blood indicated that he was definitely not in a rational mind.

Killian hauled the door open so fast that it banged against the wall. He marched down the hallway with such intensity he was sure he was emanating steam. Corsair's employee's just stared wide eyed as he jabbed ferociously at the elevator buttons. They watched as he paced back and forth muttering under his breath and dragging his hands through his hair.

"Hey Boss," Robin greeted from within the elevator.

"How dare you!" Killian spat the words as he reached forward into the carriage, grabbing Robin by his collar and dragging him out. He spun around and pinned him against the wall.

Robin's eyes had widened in surprise and he quickly put his hands in the air in submission.

"What's going on? Robin stammered, clearly shocked at Killian's actions.

Killian leaned in towards Robin and hissed, "What did you say to Emma?"

He watched Robin's eyes squeeze closed as the color dropped from his face.

"I may have mentioned that you would be better off without her in your life."

"Bloody Hell," Killian growled as he thrust his fist against the wall several times. Taking out the anger and betrayal he was feeling. His hand throbbed in pain as he realised he'd not only made a mess of it but also of the wall.

He pulled back from Robin and took several deep, calming breaths.

"Killian please...." Robin began to protest but stopped when he saw Killian's clenched jaw and flared nostrils. The dark look still covering his friends face warned him to just stop for now. Robin was desperate to explain himself but he knew from past experience that whilst in this frame of mind Killian was incapable of listening.

"Get someone to fix that and then get out of my face." Killian all but spat the words before storming back towards his office. He slammed the door shut with so much force that a picture frame fell and smashed the silence permeating the office.

"Shit." Robin rubbed at his forehead in frustration. How did he find out? He was sure that Emma would never have said anything to Killian. It didn't really matter either way. He just wanted to protect Killian and in trying to do so had caused an even bigger issue.

Robin pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed the only person who could possibly face Killian in this situation.

"What do you want?"

Robin winced as he heard her slightly hostile voice.

"Emma, Killian needs you."


Emma didn't even bother knocking on Killian's office door. It would be a waste of time.

In one hand she had a bag of ice and in the other a small first aid kit. The evidence of Killian's confrontation with Robin was still evident in the hallway. A tradesman was attempting to fix the plaster while another employee was sweeping up the glass from the shattered art work.

Emma tentatively turned the handle and pushed the door open. Killian was behind his desk facing towards the window.

"Get out," The words while low in pitch just screamed danger.

"It's me," Emma all but whispered as she approached Killian's desk.

"Swan. I really need to be alone right now." He turned slowly around and Emma took a moment to drink him in.

Her eyes soaked in his disheveled appearance. His usually tamed black locks looked like he'd run his hands through them a million times and his icy eyes seemed to pierce directly into her soul. It was however his bleeding knuckles and puffy hand that drew her attention.

"God," Emma breathed as she rounded his desk to face him. She quickly threw her supplies onto the desk and squatted down on her haunches. Reaching for his hand she was surprised when he didn't resist. The ice would help with the swelling and Killian flinched as she placed it over his hand.

"Sorry," Emma offered him a slight smile, hoping to relive some of the tension.

"What happened?" She asked quietly.

"Would you have just disappeared?" Killian's question surprised her and he reached out with his good hand to cup her cheek.

"I know what Robin told you and it isn't true," He continued softly not giving her a chance to answer.

"After everything we've been through, do you have no faith in me?"

Emma's heart pounded at the heartfelt words pouring from Killian. The heat from his touch also never failed to send electrical currents running throughout her body.

"I have complete faith in you. It's me that can't be trusted." Emma's voice rasped as she squeezed out the words. This felt like it was turning into a very honest, heartfelt conversation and it truly scared her.

Killian quickly pulled Emma towards him and she found herself sprawled across his lap.

"Swan," he growled and the raw tone zapped the electricity straight to her belly. Killian's hand gripped the back of her head, his finger's tangling in her hair. Emma savored the moment before he dragged his lips across hers. Her breathing hitched and she waited for him to consume her but Killian held back. Emma's eyes fluttered to his and saw them searching her desperately. He wanted her to make the first move. She closed the gap, teasing gently at first and then quickly with the thirst of a dying woman.

The kiss was deep and all consuming. Killian's nose bumped hers as his tongue sought entrance to her mouth. She whimpered and tried to pull him even closer. Emma felt like Killian was urgently trying to communicate with her, their lips sparking a warmth that radiated through out her entire body.

"Wait. Wait." Emma pulled back, her fingers continuing to play with the hair curling at the base of his neck.

"I ruin everything I touch. My own parents didn't even want me for god's sake." Emma breathed coarsely.

When Killian finally pulled back enough his demeanor was calm but intense. His cheeks flushed with colour.

"I'm in love with you,"

Simple. Honest.

Emma's eyes widened and she just stared at him.

"I'm done playing games Swan."

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