|41| Rekindled

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A/N: Here is Chapter 41! The last chapter and a very long chapter for you guys! I really hope you enjoy it, it took me a few days to finish.

I cannot stress this enough if you are not 16 or you are uncomfortable with Mature/explicit/SMUT scenes, please dont read them. I will put a warning where the start and end so you can follow along.

So without further adue, here is the last 'official' chapter of The Bet.

Words: 7,500

| Emma |

Sitting on the back of Tyler's motorcycle with my arms firmly wrapped around his waist I thought about the very last thing that had been said between us at the quaint Mexican restaurant and it brought a smile to my face along with a heard of butterflies erupting inside my stomach.

I looked up into his baby blues and let out a nervous breath. Instead of placing my hand in his palm I looked down at pant clad legs and responded with a low and fearful tone "No, I do want more..." I confessed "But I'm scared, I'm sacred of getting hurt again. I'm scared of loosing you again."

I finally felt myself letting go and voicing my worries to him. If he wanted to rekindle what we once had, he has to know how I was feeling and I couldn't be afraid to show him that.

I hear the scrape of his chair against the hardwood floor and his heavy footsteps walk over beside me. He squats down at my side, to be at my seated level and reaches out grabbing my hand from my lap and holding them tightly in his — just tight enough to give me reassurance.

"Your not going to loose me baby..."

I turn my head slightly and my eyes slowly meet his again from his words.

"I loved you then and as soon as I took one look at you now, I knew I never stopped."

I don't think simpler words could have made me feel so many emotions; happy, scared, nervous, loved...

Felt the burning sensation of tears wanting to form in my eyes as I kept staring into his. His words were beautiful but I was still unsure "But Tyler, what if — "

"Your scared and that's fine baby, just please, let me be the one who chases away all your fears." He softly cut me off, rubbing his thumbs against my knuckles.

Holy Hell. That did it, if I wasn't crying before I was sure I was now. I let the few drops of tears fall down my cheeks but smiled. They were happy tears.

I shook my head, baffled that Tyler possibly became more of a sweet boy next door as the years went by. I couldn't help but tease. "How cliche of you."

He groaned and narrowed his eyes at me "Baby don't start."

I let out a small giggle at his reaction while sniffling a bit. He took notice and used the pads of his thumbs to wipe away any of my stray tears. We stayed quiet for a moment while his hand held my cheek and our eyes locked on each other. I knew he was waiting for a response to his earlier question, his eyes were hopefully and caring, and with a warm heart I had an answer.

"Yes." I whispered softly.

"Yes what baby?" He didn't seem confused, he seemed as if he wanted reassurance.

I took in a deep breath and smiled brightly "Yes we can try again."

The smile that stretched across his face was enough to send my heart into overdrive. I knew I made the right decision, I could literally see and feel the happiness coming off of him. Needless to say he grabbed my hand and rushed me out of the restaurant so fast, I didn't have the time to protest about our uneaten food.

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