|30| Brad

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A/N: As you can most likely tell from the chapter name, this will mostly revolve around Brad and his friendship with Tyler. Some of you may continue to hate Brad some of you may feel for him because he's making things worse instead of better. But please let me know in the comments!

Next chapter is finally PROM! 😱

Tyler's POV:

1 Day Before Prom

For the past two days I have been trying to reach out to Brad at school to tell him how it is. To explain to him that this bet is done and I want nothing to do with it anymore. Its over. Unfortunately he hasn't been at school for the past two days and he hasn't picked up any of my phone calls either. I wanted to get this confrontation done and over with because I wanted to spend my time comfortably with Emma without having to worry about Brad breathing down my neck over this stupid bet. It was making my life a living hell!

It was now Friday morning, and tomorrow was officially prom night, I had to find Brad today and tell him everything, this couldn't wait another day. Prom was the deadline for the bet and I couldn't let it get that far - I just cant allow it to seem like I was truly going through with the bet because I am NOT. The bet is always the last thing on my mind when I'm with Emma, matter of fact, its never on my mind when I'm with her.

As I jogged up the schools steps and pulled the front door open, I made my way into the halls with nothing on my mind but Emma. I smiled as I thought about our night a couple days ago, what was supposed to be a calm, relaxed night with my baby sister turned into something I never thought it would - the most fucking amazing night Ive ever had with any girl. I truly didn't expect our night to take such a turn after putting Mandy down to sleep but I'm glad it did, I felt something so different with Emma.

I had woken her up a couple hours later and she called her mom telling her a small white lie that she was staying with Ariel and Lena at Arie's house and her mom agreed. When she finally got off the phone with her mom I ran her that bath I promised her and snuck into my moms bathroom to get bubble bath to add to Emma's bath. The red blush that tinted her cheeks was so adorable, she was shocked and so happy that I had actually came through and done that for her.

I would do that and more for her. Though I know she wasn't expecting me to do anything I did that night which made it that more satisfying to see the happiness glow on her face. That night is what sent a reality check through my brain and I knew I couldn't do this anymore. I couldn't be the same person I have been for the past four years through high school and I had to put this bet to an end!

I wasn't a different person, I was myself with her, I was who I wanted to be and there was no need to hide behind popularity, girls, and bikes when I was with her. I wasn't going to loose her, not over some stupid, careless bet.

My many thoughts of that night were cut off when I felt two hand grip my shoulders and put me in a quick headlock. As soon as I heard the chuckle come from his throat I knew it was Brad. He locked my head in harder with a laugh and shouted "Mercy! Say mercy!"

I hated myself for actually laughing along with him but he seemed different today. This was the Brad I became friends with, his laugh and free spirit were exactly what I liked about him - but then high school hit and he changed, he was my best friend so I never left him, instead I effectively turned into him. He became this self absorbed, careless, asshole player that just rubbed right off on me.

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