|9| Find a new tutor and loose my number.

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"I told you not to go last night but did you listen? Noo. Too busy being brainwashed by Tyler." Lena rolled her eyes letting out a puff of air in frustration.

"I still would love to know why I only found out about this this morning! We are supposed to be a threesome!" Ariel exclaimed from right beside Lena. Both the girls were sitting on my bed, their backs resting on the headboard; Lena had her legs stretched out one over the other while Ariel had her knees to her chest.

I groaned and squeezed my eyes shut "I know! I know I should have listened to you Lena and I shouldn't have gone."

"And what I don't understand is why your so upset Tyler was making out with another chick! We've seen him play tonsil tennis plenty of times before!" Lena exclaimed, frustrations still evident in her voice.

I looked over at my two best friends and sighed taking a few steps over to my bed and slowly sitting down on the corner nearest to Ariel. I looked down, unable to awnser Lena and just fiddled with my comforter in between my fingers.

"Lena..." Ariels soft voice asked as her hand reached out and touched the top of mine. I looked up giving her my full attention.

"Do you like Tyler?"

Lena gasped and slapped by arm lightly, making me turn my head to her now "Do You?!" she exclaimed almost in disbelief.

I hesitated for a moment, I didn't know what I was feeling. I was confused and trying my best to protect my heart. I didn't need anyone coming in and shattering it to pieces because I should have used my brain and not my heart. "Guys, I don't know..." I paused letting out a breath "I don't trust him, I can't, I feel like I shouldn't but there are times this past week where it was just me and him and I see a different side of him and it gets me giddy and gives me butterflies."

"Thats what he does Em! Thats his game!" Lena shouted, can this girl learn to speak lower? My head is still pounding from the couple drinks I had last night. Surprisingly I was able to slip past my mom without her seeing me tipsy. What shocked me was that she didn't smell the alcohol on me but that could have been due to the fact that as soon as I got home I ran up to my room and told my mom I was too tired to talk.

Ariel shot Lena a glare "Would you take it down a few thousand notches, she gets your pissed off Lena."

Lena sighed and titled her head in sympathy "Im sorry Em, Its just I don't want to see you fall for his game and get hurt because Im so sure that is whats going to happen."

"What if it doesn't? What if he likes her too?" Ariel questioned

"Oh yeah I could see how much he liked her when he shoved his tongue down another girls throat last night." Lena rolled her eyes.

I snickered "Listen guys there is no way Tyler will ever see me as more than a tutor, you can't compare me to the girls he's dated in the past!"

"Your right..." Ariel began and I shot her an 'are you kidding me' look, but then she smiled and continued "You can't compare because your much more beautiful than them and he'd be an idiot not to see that."

Lena smirked and shrugged her shoulders "Ariel's right, I would kill for you hips and waist."

I let my mouth fall open "What are you talking about Lena, your like a size 4, your waist is perfect!"

Lena rolled her eyes but before she could respond Ariel cut in "And your girls..." she said pointing to my ample chest "What are you a D cup now? Please share!"

I giggled and grabbed a pillow from the side of me and threw it at them, they gasped in shock but soon got over it and grabbed my pillows from behind them, under the sheets and both fringed them my way, one of the pillows hitting me in the face, the other on my shoulder.

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