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A/N: I know! Ive left you hanging for longer than I normally do but I finally got this chapter done! Its one of my longer chapters so no disappointing here!😉😁 LOL Enjoy and let me know what you guys think!

Words: 5, 066

Emma's POV:

Me and Lena posed with pouty kiss lips and our arms wrapped around each others backs as my mom snapped what was probably the tenth picture of us together. I loved that my mom was so excited for us and she wanted to remember it with all these pictures but it was getting to be quite tiring, especially since we were wearing heels and all of our poses were making us heat up wearing these long gowns and our hair cascading down our backs.

Lena's black dress looked amazing on her! As much as I loved the way my silk, floor length, red dress made me feel so beautiful, I was jealous of my thin and tone best friend who made her black dress look absolutely perfect on her frame. Her dress was a floor length gown with a lace deep plunging v-neckline and its transparent black, long sleeves were adorned with gold lace floral appliqué. The dress had an open back and made her figure look perfectly hourglass.

Despite my twinge of jealousy for her perfect body, she was my best friend and the jealousy faded as quickly as it came.

After giving Lena a once over and a wink with a smile, she did the same to me and I gave a small giggle before facing my mom.

"Mom I think we are done..." I voiced my small complaint with a smile gracing my lips.

"Oh don't listen to her Mrs. Hendrix," Lena grinned at my mom and waved away my comment. "I could do this all day!" she exclaimed, excitement evident in her tone.

I glared at my best friend but a smile was threatening to break through.

Before I could say a thing more my mom cut in with a sheepish smile on her face "Okay, Okay Im sorry girls but I do want to get a few with you and Ariel..." she trailed off turning her head and looking up the long staircase "Where did she run off to?"

Ariel had been dressed up and ready for quite some time, in fact she was ready at the same time we were, which was going on twenty minutes! I knew exactly who was holding her up because the minute I told my brother she was dressed he almost bolted his way up the stairs to see her and Lena and I knew exactly why — Ariel had told us that he demanded to be the first one to see her in her dress.

It was cute, sweet even but it made me think hard about my brothers feelings towards her. Could there possibly be more to Damon's feelings towards her? Other than being his baby sisters best friend?

I had no problem with it, in fact if they ever got together in the future I would go as far as saying I was happy for them, but another part of me felt that Ariel would never admit to her real feelings to my brother, if there were any there, because of how he was with women. I think that Ariel tried hiding it but it hurt her the most.

Again, before I had a chance to respond because I was lost in my own thoughts of my best friend. Lena answered my moms question for me.

"She's upstairs showing Damon her dress, apparently." Lena then smirked and rolled her eyes.

My mom rose a brow in question "Why couldn't he just see her dress when she came down the stairs like you girls?"

I giggled slightly but again Lena answered with a scoff "Damon told her he wanted to be the first to see it. Demanding of your son, no?"

This caused my mom to let out a slight chuckle and nod her head "Mmm, very...but I wonder why — "

My mom was cut of by the light clicking of heels descending down the stairs followed by heavy boots. All three of us looked towards the stair case and watched Ariel descend in her beautiful shimmer green dress and pin strait red hair. Damon trailed slowly behind her, watching her with a smirk on his lips. My mom smiled brightly and sent her a wink. Me and Lena simply stared and grinned at the effect she had on my brother because it was obvious to see how much she was drawing him in right now.

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