|27| Faux Kiss & Broken Ankle?

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A/N: Just in case you forgot what Danny, the older brother looks like ^^^ 😉
This is also one of my longer chapters, anyways enjoy darlings!!

Words: 5,560

Emmas POV:

Shoving the last of my books in my locker, I smile and let out a content sigh. Finally the school day is over and half the week is done with. I couldn't wait to get out of school today because I was meeting up with Tyler at one of his football practices. Normally I wouldn't be the type of girl to sit on the sidelines and watch her man during football practice but knowing how much It means to Tyler I don't mind it at all, that and we are at a point in our relationship where I want to be there for him and support him, cheer for him even.

I never thought I would be that girl. The girl who gets the most popular quarterback in her high schools football team.

Ariel and Lena were both busy today so they couldnt accompany me. Ariel had volleyball practice in the gym and Lena actually had another date with Trevor, her coffee house boy toy. Which I was happy for her, she had been on a few dates with him and she couldn't stop raving about him. It was sweet to see the overprotective Lena let her guard down and be herself with Trevor. He was a senior at a totally different scho and he was her polar opposite. While she was outgoing and girlie, he was shy and had a tough rocker vibe to him.

Just as I began walking away from my lockers I felt my phone vibrating in my hand. I looked over at the new text message and smiled when I saw it was Tyler.

Ty: Hey baby, hurry your beautiful ass to the field, I want to show off to my girlfriend ;)

I let out a giggle and couldn't help but feel butterflies. We have been official for only a couple weeks now but I feel like we have been together for longer, I feel like I've known him half of my life.

I quickly responded back to him that I was on my way and rushed out the back doors of the school. From the back of the school I made my way to the football field as quickly as I could. Our school was huge and not only had a football field but also a soccer field and it took awhile to make your way from inside the school to either field.

To keep myself busy as I made my hike over, I texted Lena, Ariel couldn't be bothered because I knew she was too busy at practice and didn't have her phone on her but Lena couldn't help bragging how much she liked the boy that sat in front of her. Supposedly he was the perfect guy for her and she didn't think such a hottie could be so sweet. Her words, not mine.

I stepped on to the grassy field and put my phone away to look for Tyler. As my eyes searched the field I noticed they weren't starting practice yet, it seemed like all the boys were simply getting warmed up and throwing the ball around a bit. My eyes soon spotted Tyler and my first instinct was to smile but it quickly got wiped off when I saw who he was talking to and talking to very closely, might I add.


I took a deep shaky breath and pushed down my fears and insecurities. They are friends, they are just talking, he isn't doing anything wrong. She on the other hand was getting way to close and her fingers were brushing over his shoulder as she spoke to him. My gut churned and I felt myself wanting to stomp over there and push her away but my feet stood frozen where I was.

I shifted on both feet and waited for their conversation to finish before walking over.

The next thing I saw snapped me from my frozen state and had me ready to run a marathon. Far, Far, away.

Cynthia was now kissing Tyler. Her lips were locked onto his and It didn't seem like he was pulling away and whats worse is that his hands were locked on her hips. I immediately turned away, I couldn't watch it anymore. Tears flooded my eyes as I began to run. I ran as fast as I could, off the field, and away from the high school.

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