|22| Firsts?

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A/N: This chapter is one of my longer chapters and just a fair warning there will be some smut in this chapter, just in case you don't want to read or want to skip over it.

4,381 Words

16 & up reading for Mature Scenes

Emmas POV:

By the time we left the replica Central Perk cafe, it was well past 12 in the afternoon. I was having such a good time with Tyler and I honestly have never been so happy with a boy before. I know it may sound cliche and like a teen romance novel but the feelings that I feel right now when he talks to me, when he smiles at me, when he holds me...Ive never felt them before and I truly believe that I Emma Hendrix am falling for the bad boy Tyler Davis.

Talk about cliche teen romance. Ha.

I giggled internally and fought back the grin that was growing on my lips.

As he continued driving and staring off into the distance, I took a small glance over at him. Everything about him screamed sexy, something as simple as driving he made look sexy. His right hand gripped the steering wheel with his long sleeve shirt pulled up to his elbows showing off his well toned forearms. His other arm rested on the door casually and his face held a concentrated expression.

Damn this boy was fine. I blushed at my own words.

That was another thing, when I was with Tyler I felt myself being different, I was still shy but there were moments where I tried to open and and be confident and actually tease him. It was different, I'm not sure if I liked it or not yet.

"Keep looking at me like that baby, I might have to pull over..."

My eyes widened at his words and I immediately looked away, heat sweeping over my cheeks. There was no way to save myself from this, it was clear I was checking him out.

I heard a soft chuckle and felt warm, strong fingers grip my hand and tangle with my own. He lifted my hand and bushed his lips softly against my knuckles, setting my hand back down but not daring to let go.

"I'm kidding baby, I wouldn't allow any of your firsts to be in my truck."

I looked over at him once he said those words and bit my lower lip when I saw him send me a wink.

Now I know I shouldn't have done this, I know I was asking for trouble, because he is now considered my boyfriend but this was the moment I chose to tease him.

"Who said I haven't had any firsts yet?"

His smirk dropped and he glanced between me and the road a few times before swerving quickly to the side of the road and putting the car in park so hard that my body jolted forward and back in the seat.

I moved stray hair away from my face and hesitated to look up at him but when I did his jaw was clenched and his body was turned to me with one hand on the wheel clutching it so hard his knuckles turned white.

"You've been with other guys?"

Oh shit, why did I open my mouth?

Something so playful turned serious really quick and I didn't mean for it too but now that we were on the topic, how dare he sit there and be so hypocritically?

"You've had plenty of other girls before me, haven't you?"

He took in a deep breath and looked away from me "Its different..."

I scoffed and crossed my arms over my chest. Now he was just trying to start an argument. He can't be serious right now? Is he being some sort of chauvinistic pig right now, god forbid Id be heart broken.

The Bet ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ