|14| Cliche Much?

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Emmas POV:

I made my way down the stairs that led strait to the living room and heard tow loud gasps and very excited girlish screams. I looked up to see big smiles plastered on both my best friends faces.

"You look gorgeous!" Ariel gushed looking me up and down

Lena crossed her arms arms her chest with a bright smile "See I told you Im good at this!"

I bit my lower lip, still unsure of myself and looked down at my outfit, I had ended up sticking to the very first outfit Lena had picked out despite me thinking it was too dressy for the occasion when Tyler stated to dress casual. High wedge sandals was no exactly casual.

"Are you guys sure this is ok? I mean does anything look to tight or - "

Lena groaned "Do not even finish that sentence ok? Em you look amazing!"

"Yes so beautiful, stop doubting yourself!" Ariel chimed in

I sighed and bushed my hands over my outfit "Ok, Ok, I'm sorry you know how I am, the isn't easy for me guys, I'm not the pretty girl every guy wants to be with."

Lena rolled her eyes, took a few steps towards me and held my hands "Listen to me you are beautiful the way you are and anyone who tells you otherwise is either jealous or crazy."

"Yeah, so what you have extra curves and thickness? Own it." Ariel stated with a smile "I'm not stick thin either, I have curves too."

I scoffed and wagged my finger up and down her frame "Yeah but your curves are perfect and your not as thick a me Ari."

"Who cares?!" Lena shouted "Go on this date, take Tyler's breath away, make him fall in love, Just whatever you do please, make sure you have your guard up..." she paused and searched my eyes making sure I was listening to her every word "If at any time you feel something is wrong or you have a bad feeling about Tyler, end it and don't look back."

I took in a deep breath and nodded my head, a small smile curling on my lips. A few encouraging words from my girls and some pep talk was all I needed to get me through this.

Just as I took a seat on the couch to wait for Tyler my phone started buzzing in my purse. I quickly started rummaging through it looking for the device and when I found it I groaned at the caller ID.

I heard Ariel's voice, who now sat beside me on the same couch "What? Who is it?"

"The older brother." I rolled my eyes "Time for his lecture now."

"Of course Damon told him." Lena added "At least this is the brother who doesn't scream and blow up at you, he's the calm one."

I scoffed before picking up his call "Yeah sometimes that scarier."

"Hey Dean, whats up?" I decided to start sweet and play dumb

I heard shuffling in the background before he spoke "Hey Em's nothing much Im here at the firm, helping Uncle Eric finish up a few things on our latest project."

"Uh-huh" I hummed in response knowing very well where this conversation was going.

"What are you up to right now?" his question lingered in the air before I decided to respond

"Nothing really, just hanging out with Lena and Ariel." I looked up at the girls who had knowing smiles on their faces.

"That's quite the opposite from what I heard."

Oh boy here we go...

"A little bird told me your going on a date tonight?"

I cleared my throat and decided to be the quick witted little sister that I am "Well you asked what I was doing right now, not tonight...."

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