|17| Your Most Beautiful When You Smile

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A/N: Tyler didnt show up like that ^^^ but I think Emma would have needed a change of panties if he did 😂😉

Emmas POV:

I placed the finished batch of brownies in the oven and set the oven mitts down on the counter. I had decided on making my double chocolate, chocolate chip brownies for a sweet treat when Tyler comes over. A part of me was debating against it because there was so much sugar and fat in them, I didn't want him judging me but another part of me wanted to make the sweet treat for him.

Call me nieve and stupid for wanting to bake him something but I did and my brownies never let anyone down.

Just as I was about to rush into the living room to get the 'Friends' DVDs ready, my phone sent me a notification of a new text message. I leaned against the kitchen counter and reached for my phone.

Tyler: 5 minutes away beautiful.

I smiled at the nickname and bit my lower lip. Did he really think I was that beautiful, he always tell me so and makes me feel like I'm this precious girl thats too beautiful to be noticed or something.

"That must be from Tyler..." my moms amused voice snapped my gaze away from my phone.

I slowly felt my cheeks heat up and tossed my phone back on the counter "Mom. What makes you say that?" I questioned trying to hide my obvious embarrassment.

She let out a laugh and walked over to me "That smile you have on your face, Its a different smile than Ive ever seen...One only a boy can put there."

My cheeks were now on fire but I tried to brush her comment off. I groaned and rolled my eyes "Mom stop, its only a second date, Im sure he's not even that serious about me."

She leaned against the counter and narrowed her eyes at me with a knowing grin "Mhm." she nodded towards the oven "Thats why your making your famous brownies right?"

"Mom!" I laughed and nudged my moms hip with mine.

She just laughed it off and shook her head "Hunnie, there is nothing wrong with feeling something for this boy. Just be smart and make sure you know who he truly is, because boys at this age are very deceiving."

I rose a brow "Really? How about you and dad?"

Her eyes twinkled at the mention of my dad and a smile grew on her face "Me and your father were different. I was blessed to have found him, its rare to find such a mature man in high school."

I nodded knowing she was right. "It also helped you were thin and beautiful."

My mom sighed and moved to stand in front of me "Emma." she gripped my chin in her hand and forced me to look up at her "You are beautiful, and just because your not a stick figure doesn't mean you don't look attractive or just as gorgeous. You know men kill for curves." she winked at me.

I couldn't help but laugh when she said that. I shooed her hand away from my face and nodded "Ok, Ok, mom I get it."

She nodded "Good. Well Im going to leave you to it." she stated before grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge "Im going to be upstairs in my room. I trust you with this boy Emma but don't think I won't be coming down to check on you guys!" she warned trying her best to hide a smile.

"I know mom." I followed behind her to get into the living room.

She past the living room and began walking up the stairs "And your lucky I didn't tell your brothers anything about this second date, they would have had my head!"

I let out a laugh "Do you think dad would have approved of you allowing me to have a boy over at 7 o'clock at night to watch movies?"

She snickered and smirked "Not a chance. He would have my ass." she winked.

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