|8| Up the stakes

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A/N: I imagine Zack Roerig as Chris' character and Chris Wood as Brads character. Just to put a face to the names. :)

Emma's POV:

As soon as we stepped into the huge house not only was I surprised by how big and lavish it was but I couldn't help but let the smell of alcohol waft up my nose and the loud sound of music blare through my eardrums. I looked around and saw nothing but teenagers for miles. What I'm assuming was the living room and foyer was filled with dancing couples and gossiping mouths.

I took a deep breath and let it out, suddenly feeling soft fingertips brush against my hand and before I had the chance to look over at him I felt his lips dangerously close to my ear.

"You alright?"

Pushing away the slight shiver that overtook my body when he mumbled in my ear, I looked up at him and smiled with a nod, deciding against yelling over the loud music.

He pressed one hand on my lower back and guided me forward as he yelled over the music "I want to introduce you to some people!"

I rolled my eyes, Oh joy! because that exactly what I was hoping for. More judgment.

Note the sarcasm in my voice.

As we walked further into the house, I felt more and more nervous. Girls and Guys were literally littered all over the place with either a 'classic' red solo cup in their hand or a beer. I wanted to shake my head, literally this was so stereotypical for a high school house party. A bunch of teenagers barley turned 18 trying to act like they're grown and well seemingly having a blast. But thats besides the point.

My thoughts were soon cut off when we approached the kitchen where Brad Roderick stood pouring himself a drink. Tyler yelled over the music "Brad!"

Brad snapped his head to face us and when he realized who it was he smirked "Hey asshole you finally decided to make it!" he laughed walking over to us and slapped hands with Tyler, bringing him in for a chest bump. Brad was the definition of cocky asshole. Perfectly defined chin and sharp jawline, complete with dirty blonde hair cut short on the side and longer length pushed back in the middle and these bright sea green eyes.

I stood awkwardly watching the two before Tyler looked down at me with a smile "This is - "

Before he could finished the introduction Brad looked down at me, his green orbs glistening with mischief and he smiled "Emma right?"

I nodded my head, utterly and completely shocked, he knew me? "U-uh yes."

He looked me up and down with a smirk and if I didn't feel awkward and self conscious already, I sure as hell did now with the way he was staring at me. I felt judged. I cleared my throat and looked down at the floor to tear my eyes away from his.

"Wheres Chris?" Tyler questioned walking closer to Brad, making me follow behind him like a puppy dog - Embarrassing much?

I saw Brad point and nod strait ahead, while taking a sip of his drink "Getting beer pong set up, you down?"

Tyler looked down at with a raised brow in question. I let out a low laugh "What with me?"

Brad smirked and Tyler just rolled his eyes "It will be fun Em."

I bit my lower lip, I honestly have never played before since I've never been to a party before either. Big shocker there. My brothers would have my head. "Honestly, Ive never played before."

Brad snickered and I knew he was trying to hold in a laugh, typical asshole, but surprisingly Tyler wasn't laughing along with him. He nodded his head towards the beer pong table "Come on, first time for everything!"

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