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It was now 12:30pm and Ariel, Lena, and I had all just sat down at the lunch table to start eating our lunch. The whole walk from the end of our 3rd period to the lunch room I was explaining to them what had happened earlier in the halls before first period with Tyler Davis. Ariel watched me with a sympathetic look while Lena just shook her head and groaned with frustration.

"What an ass..." She exclaimed setting her tray down on the table and taking a seat right across from me "I still can't believe Tyler had no idea who you were."

"He probably wouldn't know who any of us are, all he does is pay attention to the gorgeous model types." Ariel confessed with slight sadness in her voice.

Lena scoffed and took a sip of her water "Superficial Jerk." she mumbled "He would be lucky to know someone like Emma, or any of us for that matter."

"Speaking of superficial...." Ariel added. I looked up and my gaze followed to where she was looking and sure enough, in walked the queen bee and her followers. I rolled my eyes and looked back down at the table, suddenly my food becoming very interesting "Its the wicked witch of Tech Valley." I mumbled under my breath, only loud enough for Ariel and Lena to hear.

They both let out a soft giggle at my comment but not soon enough their smiles turned to frowns when they saw who was approaching our table. Thats right, you guessed it Cynthia. Her kitten heels clicked on the tiled floors and her mini skirt swayed left and right as she walked. I had to roll my eyes at the fact that most the boys in the lunch room turned their heads to take a long look at her.

"If it isn't the geek squad..." she stated as she approached

Lena sighed letting her fork fall on her tray in disbelief "You didn't get enough this morning Cindy"

I finally decided to say something "She never gets enough of tormenting people, Its the only thing she's good at."

Lena and Ariel gasped in shock, however a small grin was forming on Lena's face. As I looked up at Cynthia I saw her arms were crossed over her chest and a look of shock plastered all over her face. She leaned down to whisper close to my ear "Oh so the shy, quiet fat ass decides to come out of her shell?"

I just continued to look down at my tray and away from her, feeling so small at this moment "At least I'm good at something and if that means being boss bitch, then so be it." she continued "Stay the hell out of my face Hendrix." she finished and slowly began backing away with what I'm assuming is a look of satisfaction.

Seconds later I looked up when Lena began to speak again "I swear to god one of these days Emma..." she trailed off.

"You'll kick her ass, I know..." I smiled and finished for her "As much as I would thank you for that, Id rather just be quiet than get into problems."

"You won't have to do a damn thing, Ill beat her ass for you!" Lena hissed under her breath still watching Cynthia from afar.

I rolled my eyes and kept the smile on my face, I swear these girls were the only ones who could keep my smile going "What I mean is I don't want US into problems, not just myself, you guys are included."

Ariel took a bite of her apple and snickered "Thats all high school is, is drama and problems."

After the drama that happened at lunch going through 5th, 6th, and 7th period was a breeze! 7th period was my absolute favorite because it was reading/literature and right now we are in the middle of one of my most favorite books Jane Eyre. I'm actually surprised we were given this book normally because I would have taken this as the type of book to be read in college however times are changing and high schools are infusing more higher standards of learning on kids. When it comes to reading I am a total romance freak and I will read any romance novel I can get my hands on, the wonder and beauty of love always gets to me, to my closest friends and family Im known as the hopeless romantic.

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