|20 - Little Drunkard|

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A little while after Ethan and I's argument, I'd calmed down and was on the couch watching The 100. Alyssa came into the living room and handed me a Rice Krispie Treat before sitting down and kicking her feet up.

"So, spill," she said pausing the show. I had been pissed when she got home and I told her I'd explain why later. Even though it was later, I didn't really feel like talking about it, but I decided to anyway.

"Ethan and I got in a fight," I sighed.

She folded her arms, "A fight?"

"Yeah, I told him about Savannah and he didn't believe me. He said I was jealous and that I was acting like a bitch," I started getting mad again the more I thought of the situation.

Alyssa gasped, "He said what?! Fucking dick."

"Yeah. After that, he told me they were going on a date, that was about an hour-" The door being pushed open and slammed shut cut my sentence off abruptly. Ethan stormed straight to his room and slammed that door too.

"Well, shit..." Alyssa said and made a face. I was still mad at him, but I'd never seen him that pissed before and I was a little worried. Was he that mad at me? Or had something happened?

Five Days Later

I woke up from a long nap and pulled myself out of bed. I was gonna go to the bathroom but the door was shut. I stood outside, bouncing around because I had to pee so bad.

I knocked on the door, "I have to pee." I heard the toilet flush and the sink turn on and off. Ethan opened the door and brushed past me with the same blank look he'd had since the night of our fight. He hadn't so much as looked in my direction since then either. I wasn't even mad at him anymore... I was just sad. I missed talking to him.

I used the bathroom and splashed water on my face. Get it together, Harp. Ignore him. Just... get over him. I dried my face and the door got yanked open.

"Jesus, Lys!" I exclaimed. She grabbed me by my arm and pulled me into the kitchen where Ethan was. "What the hell-"

"I'm gonna talk and you two are gonna listen," Alyssa put her hands on her hips. We stood there, waiting for her to say something. "The cute girl from Donny's party asked me to go out clubbing with her later and she said I could bring friends." I sighed, not liking where her talk was going. "You two have been moping around all week— you're coming with me."

Oh no, no, no. I started to walk away, "Yeah, I'll pass." I wasn't letting her convince me to go out if Ethan was gonna be there. We wouldn't talk and it'd be awkward.

"Told Donny I'd stop by, so..." Ethan trailed off and turned around. Looks like me and him are on the same page.

Alyssa pushed me back where I was and turned Ethan around, "Not up for discussion. Be ready by 9."

I sighed and grabbed the milk out of the fridge for cereal.


"Why are you making me do this?" I asked my best friend as she put my mascara on. She'd dressed me up all nice and straightened my hair.

"Because I'm tired of you being so sad," she replied with a hint of sadness in her own voice.

I sighed, "Then why did you invite Ethan?"

"I'm sick of him doing the same thing as you," She finished with my lashes. "You're both depressing up the house."

"How is us crashing your date gonna help us feel better?"

"It's a club, H. There will be drinks, music, and a dance floor. You're gonna have fun," she smiled and handed me my wallet. Maybe a night out was what I needed. "Come on, it's time to head out."

I looked in the mirror one good time and let out a deep breath before we left. 


"I'm so glad you guys could make it!" Yasmin chirped when we met her inside of the club. She gave Alyssa and I hugs and introduced herself to Ethan. "Y'all ready to have fun?"

"Hell yes," Alyssa sang, "Drinks?"

"Duh," I semi-smirked. A drink or two was just what I needed. Yasmin smiled and led us all to the bright neon bar.

"What are you guys having?" Yasmin asked over the music.

"I'll have a Mojito," Alyssa said first.

"Um, I'll take a Paloma," I spoke second. I probably should've ended the order there, but I really just wanted to let loose and let go, "And three Jell-O shots. Blue Hawaiian."

Alyssa eyed me worriedly, "Woah there, little drunkard. You sure?"

I nodded, "Yeah, it's fine. I can handle it." Alyssa gave me another look and just shrugged.

"Okay, what about you Ethan?" Yasmin asked. He was sitting next to me (it was the only barstool left). I just stared forward at the pictures on the back wall of the bar, not wanting to look at him.

"Oh, nothing for me. I'm the designated driver," he answered.

Yasmin nodded and called the bartender over, "Can we have a Mojito, a Paloma, three Blue Hawaiian Jell-O shots, and a Cosmopolitan?"

"Coming right up," the bartender said and started making the drinks. As soon as I got my shots I downed them all. Alyssa and Yasmin were having a conversation and I don't know what Ethan was doing because I still hadn't looked at him since we'd gotten there.

If he was going to act like I didn't exist, I was gonna do the same. Why should I have been sad over anyone that wasn't sad over me? I didn't really matter to him anyway. I took a gulp of my other drink and nodded my head to the music playing, trying to zone out and stop thinking.


"Whoop! Whoop!" I slurred as I drunkenly walked back to the bar with Alyssa and Yasmin. We were all hot and tired from dancing, and I was completely drunk. I started getting dizzy and lost my balance as soon as I got to where we'd been sitting and drinking before.

"Woah, you okay?" I heard a voice I recognized as Ethan's ask. I stumbled backward and he held me steady from behind so I wouldn't fall over.

"Harper, I think it's time for us to go home so you can crash," Alyssa said seriously. The whole room was spinning and I desperately wanted to be in my bed, but I didn't wanna cut her time with Yasmin short.

"No, I'm- I'm fine. Stay with Yasmin," I tried to convince her.

"I can take her home, Alyssa," Ethan suggested, surprising me. I was still leaning back onto him because I knew if I stood up straight I'd end up on the floor. "Just enjoy your time."

Alyssa sighed after a while, "Fine. But I'm trusting you to take care of my best friend."

"I will, I promise."

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