|1 - Moving Out|

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We stumbled into his room, too drunk to care if we were being noisy. I shut the door and giggled at the beautiful guy, who had just rammed his hip into the dresser. He groaned and put his hand over where he'd gotten hurt.

"You ok?" I asked, just a little concerned because he'd stopped laughing. He always thought things like this were funny. He flopped backward onto the bed and licked his lips, a habit of his I'd noticed.

"No, but you can make it all better," he slurred. I let my eyes trail up and down his body, admiring his appearance fully. His hair was all disheveled and his eyes were hooded heavily. His shirt had ridden up slightly at the end showing the band of his underwear. "I'd rather be biting your lip," he said, smirking.

I let my lip fall from between my teeth, not even realizing I'd been biting it. Before I could form a coherent response, he pulled me down on top of him.

Three Months Earlier

"Harper Rain Greenwell," I heard my best friend Alyssa call from outside of my room. I groaned and turned over in bed.

"A few more minutes," I mumbled into the pillow. Alyssa shut my door and plopped down next to me. I felt my blankets get removed from my feet.

"Get the hell up!" she exclaimed, tickling my feet.

"Okay, okay!" I pulled my feet away from the maniac and got out of bed. I glanced at my alarm clock. "10:30 am?! I thought you weren't gonna bring the U-Haul until 11:30?"

It was the day I was finally moving out of my parents' house. Alyssa and I had been looking for a place to live together for a couple of months and we found the perfect apartment. It was a little out of our budget though... a three bedroom (they didn't have any 2 bedrooms available). We hadn't found anything near as good as this place, so we decided we were gonna have to work our asses off to pay the bills. It'd be worth the hassle.

Alyssa rolled her eyes, "Thought we could use an early start. Knowing how you are, you would've still slept in 'til 12."

"Fair enough," I agreed. I got up and grabbed the clothes I'd picked out for the day, which was a gray tank top and some black shorts. "What time is Donny gonna be at the new place to help unpack?"

Donny— Alyssa's older, and extremely hot, brother. I'd had the biggest crush on him back when he was stealing my Caprisun's in elementary school. Even though my crush on him died down, he still could make me blush.

"He said he'd be there around 1 with reinforcements," she said, checking what I assumed to be the messages between the two of them.

I pulled my shorts up, tucking the front of the tank into them slightly, "Reinforcements of what kind?"

"He didn't say, probably one of his friends or something," she replied. I just nodded my head and pulled my bonnet off, shaking my curls out a bit afterward.

"You hungry?" I asked Alyssa, holding my door open and slipping my Vans on.

"Hell yeah," she smiled, jumping up. We made our way to the kitchen where my mom was already up making breakfast. Alyssa took a seat on a stool at the island and I sat next to her. "That smells amazing, Mrs. Greenwell."

"Yeah, mom. I'm surprised you're up so early," My mom set plates in front of both of us and we dug right in.

"It's a big day," my mother started, "My only baby's moving out!"

I rolled my eyes playfully, "It's ok, Mom. I won't be far from here."

"I guess that makes it a bit better," she said, sitting another plate out next to me, "And I can turn your room into my office!"

"Or my man cave," my dad said, coming into the kitchen.

"Hey! No way!" I laughed at them both. My dad chuckled and kissed my mom on the cheek before taking a seat next to me.


"That everything, honey?" my dad asked as I handed him the last box of my belongings.

"Yep, thanks Dad," I gave him a big hug and he kissed my forehead. My teary-eyed mom joined in on the hug, leaving Alyssa standing there awkwardly by herself.

My dad reached his arm out to her, "Come on, you too." Alyssa smiled and joined the group hug.

We finally pulled apart and my dad closed the back of the van up. "And you're sure you don't want me to drive so you both can ride in your car?" Dad asked me.

"No, Dad, it's okay. We're big girls now," I gave him one last hug before hopping into my car.

"You girls be safe!" my mom yelled as Alyssa and I pulled off.


We arrived at the apartment complex around 12:30. Alyssa pulled into the parking lot and parked the truck right next to my car before hopping out.

"I'm so glad you already moved your stuff in," I sighed, knowing it would've been hell moving everything into our new place at once. Alyssa nodded, agreeing completely.

"Donny'll carry the furniture most likely, so we can start on everything else," Alyssa suggested. I said, "Okay," and we grabbed a couple of boxes. Luckily, our apartment was only on the second floor, so I didn't take long to bring things up the stairs or elevator. "Here we go," Alyssa smiled as she unlocked the door.

We walked in and a smile grew on my face. I really had a place to call my own, and I was living with my best friend! How lucky could I have been?!

The apartment was a lot nicer than we'd expected the first time we saw it, which was another reason we decided on it. The living room wasn't super cramped, and the kitchen wasn't tiny.

Alyssa had already taken the time out to decorate and add plenty of feminine touches to the place (she was definitely the girliest one between the two of us). We carried the boxes down the hallway and into the first room on the right.

"My room is right across the hall, of course," Alyssa enthused. We both set the boxes aside and I pulled her in for a hug. We squealed for a bit until I heard a familiar voice at the main door.

"Alyssa!" Donny called out. Alyssa and I ventured into the living room and my eyes met the blonde guy's.

"Wow, actually on time?" I teased him. He rolled his eyes and smiled.

"Hey, Harpie," he teased back. He knew I hated the nickname he'd given me. It sounded way too close to 'Herpes.' I couldn't hate it nearly as much as he hated being called by his full name.

"Where are your 'reinforcements,' Adonis?" I teased again. Instead of ruffling up my hair or making another remark, he just rolled his eyes and smirked. Weird.

"He should be here in 10," he replied.

"Who is 'he,' exactly?" Alyssa asked. I was curious too. I knew most of his friends.

"An old friend. Now come on and grab some more boxes."

A/N: Hey! I hope you guys like this story cause I'm pretty excited to write it .

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