|14 - Oh No|

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The next week and a half was (fucking) amazing. Ethan and I had the whole "friends with benefits" thing down pat. We were getting each other off at least once a day, sometimes twice. It had even gotten to the point where he'd pick me up from work just to have a quickie in his car.

I was living my best (and most sexually pleased) life.


Ethan and I were watching Trailer Park Boys on a random Saturday and Alyssa was cleaning up in the kitchen.

Ethan's phone dinged and he checked it. While he was doing so, Alyssa looked up at me and started making kissy faces. I'd told her all about Ethan and I's situation and she teased me about it every chance she got. I made faces back at her, making sure Ethan didn't see them.

He locked his phone back and set it aside, focusing back on the TV. He started to play with my fingers, which was definitely something new. I tried to control a blush that came out of nowhere. Ugh, I was blushing around him again. We were just friends, and this wasn't sexual, so why was I? Then again, if it wasn't sexual, why was he doing it?

It's nothing, Harper, stop overanalyzing.

After a few minutes, his phone went off again. He let out a sigh and ignored it. I wondered what was going on because I could tell he was getting a little annoyed.

When his phone started ringing he grabbed it and answered, "What's up, Donny?" He stood up and went to his room, shutting the door behind him. Makes sense that it was Donny being annoying. Still had to love him though. Alyssa and I shared another look and I went back to watching TV.

When Ethan came back out of his room he had his shoes on and his keys, "I'll be back, don't watch the next episode without me."

"Okay..." I simply said. He left, so I just turned on something else from my Netflix list. Alyssa came and plopped down next to me.

"I don't understand you two," she sighed.

"What do you mean? I explained it to you already-"

She cut me off, "You explained your arrangement. You just left out the part where friends with benefits do lovey-dovey shit."

"We don't do 'lovey-dovey' shit."

Alyssa scoffed and grabbed my hand, playing with my fingers like Ethan had been, "Friends don't do shit like this. Or look at each other all lovingly."

"Alyssa, we are just friends. There are no feelings whatsoever. Plus, you know he just got out of a relationship anyway. So even if there were feelings, it wouldn't happen," I said. And I meant it... Maybe?

"Exactly, he's out of a relationship. He's hot and a good guy. Another girl is gonna snatch him up quick when you two start college and I will not have you regret not going for it. You like him, H."

Oh yeah, I probably forgot to mention that Ethan and I were going to the same college in the fall. Complete coincidence by the way.

Alyssa was using her best friend telepathy and other things on me, and I didn't like it. "Lyssa..."

"How do you feel when he looks at you?" she asked. I imagined Ethan and the way he looked at me, all flustered after we'd had sex. I always ignored the butterflies that look gave me... Until now. I remembered how warm and cozy I'd feel when he'd look at me during a normal conversation we were having, too. Just the thoughts made me blush. "See, I didn't even need you to tell me. It's obvious."

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