|28 - Dumb B*tch Juice|

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I slammed the door when I got back home. I was there alone and I didn't give a shit if I was being loud. Fuck noise complaints. I went straight to my room and started picking up little shit Ethan had left in there. I took it all and threw it into his room, onto his floor and wherever else the stuff landed. Fuck him. How fucking could he? He cheated on me with her of all people— after all the shit she did to him.

He really was drinking the 'dumb bitch juice.'

All of the 'whys' started invading my thoughts. If he didn't really want me, why couldn't he just say that to me? Why had he gotten me to fall so fucking hard for him? Why did he have to go behind my back and betray me like that? Why the hell did I really think he was a good person? Everything was just one big lie and one big waste of my time.

I stripped out of my clothes and shoes and changed into some pajamas, all while fuming. I found the shirt he'd made for our beach outing and threw that in his room too. I slammed my bedroom door and got in bed. I was far too riled up to sleep so I just laid there, tossing and turning, my body restless and jittery. It felt like an hour had passed but it'd been merely ten minutes since I'd driven back home.

I heard the front door open and I prayed to God that it was Alyssa, because if it was Ethan... I wasn't gonna be able to control my mouth. My room door cracked open and I stayed still. I heard shoes or something getting tossed onto the floor and clothes ruffling. He had better not...

The bed dipped and I felt that rough yet soft hand snake halfway around my waist. The fucking nerve of him! I turned to face the last person on Earth I wanted to see and jerked my body away.

"Baby, what's wrong?" asked a very confused Ethan.

I scoffed and got up, "Why don't you go fucking sleep in Savannah's bed?"

Ethan sat up with furrowed brows, "What? What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about you fucking around on me. And I dare you to lie about it."

"I'm not fucking around on you, Harper. What the h-"

"Oh, so you really wanna go there?" I grabbed my phone and went right to the picture I'd taken of the two, "What the fuck is this, Ethan?"

His eyes widened and he got up out of the bed, "You followed me?"

"Yep, and for good fuckin' reason apparently," I wasn't even gonna give him the chance to use that reverse psychology shit on me, "And you still straight up lied anyway."

"Harper, it wasn't like that-"

"So I guess kissing your ex 'isn't like that.' You drove your ass over there and fucking cheated on me with the same bitch you said was an abusive liar. You probably haven't even been over Donny's, you've been hooking up with her! Fuck your explanation, it's invalid," I opened my door and stood there holding it, "You've wasted a lot of my fucking time and I'm not letting you waste any more of it. We're over. Goodbye." I gestured for him to leave.

"Harper, just-"

I cut him off for the last time, "Get the fuck out of my room, Ethan! I don't wanna hear another lie from you."

"Whatever," he muttered and stormed out with his clothes. I slammed my door behind him and sat at the edge of my bed. After I'd let all that anger out on him, the situation really dawned on me. The one person I actually trusted enough to let into my heart, broke it. The tears started falling and I swiped them away fast. I didn't want to cry over someone that just didn't give a shit about me.


I woke up restless and groggy. I'd gotten about an hour or two of sleep the entire night. I wasn't used to sleeping alone anymore, or with an endless cycle of shitty thoughts.

It was Sunday, so I didn't have work— unfortunately. The last thing I wanted to do was stay in that damn apartment. I was in too close of proximity with a heart-breaking cheater. Eventually, I forced myself to get up because I needed to use the bathroom and shower. I handled my business in the bathroom without any run-ins with Ethan.

I went from loving to live there to hating it because of him. I never should've agreed to let him be our roommate. When and what was I gonna tell Alyssa? She'd be pissed. Ethan and I had only been together for a few weeks and it'd already gone south. Shit, Donny would be livid if he found out about everything. Ethan had been using him as a cover-up.

I got dressed in a T-shirt and leggings with my running shoes. Going for a jog was the only excuse I had to leave so I used it. Not that anyone was checking where I was going, anyway. I tucked my phone in my pocket. I put in my earphones when I got outside and started jogging.


After my however-many-minutes jog, I sat outside for a while to cool down. As I was walking back to the apartment complex I saw Ethan's car pull out of it. Excellent; he wouldn't be home then. I got back to the apartment and took another shower. When I got out, I changed and took my spot on the couch.

For the rest of the day, I watched stuff on TV, made food, cleaned up, and anything else I could do to keep myself busy. Once there was nothing else to do I just got lost in thoughts and a sea of sadness. I'd literally do anything to avoid sadness so I went to the kitchen and started to devour Ethan's favorite ice cream. He wouldn't miss it— you don't get ice cream when you misbehave.

As I was stuffing my face on the couch, the door opened behind me. I turned to look with a spoonful of ice cream in my hand. Seeing Ethan standing there made me lose my damn appetite— and that was something serious because I loved to eat.

We made brief eye contact and he looked down at the tub of ice cream that belonged to him. He sighed angrily and just shook his head before he went to his room and shut the door. I shrugged and continued to eat what was now my ice cream.

A/N: Last one for today y'all 🤘🏽

On a scale of 1-10 how mad at Ethan are you guys?

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