|3 - Clubbing|

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"Okay, you look hot," Alyssa said looking me up and down. I had on a little black dress and a pair of Alyssa's heels. My hair was straightened, thanks to Alyssa, because I didn't really feel like doing it. My makeup was light; a little mascara, eyeliner, and lip gloss.

"We look hot," I corrected her. She wore a white dress, that hugged her body in all the right places, with some red heels. Her blonde hair was bone straight and I made sure her makeup was bomb.

"Donny just sent me the address," she said. I nodded and grabbed both of our wallets. Knowing Alyssa, she would've left it here like the last time we went out.

We headed out and hopped into Alyssa's car. We buckled up and she pulled up to the parking lot's exit, hitting the brakes abruptly.

"Alyssa!" I yelled.

"My wallet, I forgot-"

"It's right here, I grabbed it," I held it up for her to see.

She chuckled nervously, "Sorry about that."

"Can we just go now?"


We made it to the club in one piece, thankfully. Once we'd gotten in I sent a text to Adonis, letting him know we were there.

"There he is," Alyssa shouted over the music. I spotted him at the bar. As we approached him I noticed Ethan, and man did he look good. His hair was slightly more tamed than it had been earlier. I examined his outfit; all white Air Force One's, white jeans that were slightly ripped near the knees, a black tee, and a surprisingly stylish jacket. I knew I shouldn't be ogling him but he was hard not to look at— I was conflicted.

As soon as we reached the bar, a small girl sat next to him and he snaked his arms around her. I assumed this was the girlfriend Alyssa had mentioned.

"Hey, guys," Alyssa and I greeted everyone. I got a hug from Donny and a head nod from Ethan. Alyssa took the seat next to Adonis, so I had to sit next to the lovers. I saw the girl nudge Ethan out the corner of my eye.

"Alyssa, Harper," he called out, gaining our attention. "This is my girlfriend, Savannah."

"Hey, nice to meet you, I'm Alyssa," she waved and Savannah waved back with a smile.

"And I'm Harper," I smiled. The girl looked me up and down quickly before sending me a false smile back. What the hell was her problem? I was just about to ask her exactly what her issue was before Adonis spoke up.

"Sooo, drinks?" he enthused. I nodded ferociously; I was definitely gonna need something to get me through the night calmly if Ethan's girlfriend kept testing me.

Since Adonis had the hookup, and we all had fake IDs, we all managed to get a lot of drinks. He was the only one that was 21 out of all of us. I learned that Ethan was Alyssa and I's age (19) and that Savannah was a year older.

Savannah kept eying me, and when she wasn't doing that she was all over Ethan. I ordered something strong— strong enough to keep me from paying any attention to her.

I was sipping on my drink, Alyssa and Donny were talking, and Savannah was still mean mugging when a new song started.

"Oh my god, I love this song!" Savannah screeched and hopped down from the bar stool. "Come on, babe. Let's dance!" She pulled Ethan away and onto the dance floor, out of sight. I sighed, relieved she wasn't next to me anymore.

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