|18 - Jealous?|

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For the next two weeks, I watched Ethan and Savannah go back to their regular routine: the kissing, and touching, and flirting. They even had the nerve to fuck loudly in the next room, again!

That time the noises they made didn't just disgust me— they hurt my feelings. I still wasn't over Ethan, but how could I ever get over someone if I was forced to see them every day? I didn't cry over it anymore; I was just numb most of the time.

I started getting suspicious of Savannah's intentions a few days prior, though. Something was definitely off about her, even more so than before.


Ethan thought it was cool to bring his girlfriend over when I was watching Netflix, so we were all sitting in the living room together. Ethan excused himself to the restroom and I wasn't gonna be alone with her, so I went to get some water from the kitchen.

I heard her giggling and saw her smiling at her phone hard as hell. I didn't think anything of it at first, but as soon as she heard Ethan coming back she hurried to lock her phone and put it in her purse.

End Of Flashback

She'd been doing that every day since. Sometimes she'd ask Ethan to go get something just so she could pull her phone out and text whoever it was with a smile on her face. I was almost certain she was cheating. I just needed proof.


The day was like any other day as of recently. Ethan, Savannah, and I were sitting in the living room watching some movie she had picked out. Yeah, he was letting her choose movies— on our Netflix. I was desperately hoping they'd just leave so I could turn the stupid movie off.

"Hey, I'll be right back," Ethan spoke up.

"Okay baby," Savannah replied. He leaned forward to kiss her and jogged to his room.

Savannah waited until he shut his door to pull her phone out like always. She started smiling and texting again. This bitch was just gonna do this in front of me? There was no way she was bold enough to do this right in front of me, though. Right? Maybe I was wrong about her cheating.

"Babe!" Ethan called out. She tossed her phone on top of her purse face down and ran into his room. I stared at her phone for a second. Should I snoop? It was really none of my business... Then again, I had to know for sure.

I grabbed her phone quietly. She'd forgotten to lock it. I went straight to her messages and saw that the last person she'd texted was 'Dominos.' I frowned and tapped on the thread. As I went through the most recent messages, I learned that it was most definitely not Dominos. So this bitch was cheating on him. I heard shuffling and exited out of the messages. I placed her phone back where it was before and took my plate into the kitchen.

The shuffles turned into giggles and thuds. Jesus, are they having sex right now? She had the nerve to cheat less than six minutes ago and now she's fucking him? This bitch. I went and flopped back down on the couch angrily.

How could you cheat on someone like Ethan? He was a sweetheart. He stayed up to talk to me about nonsense, watched shows I liked for me, and helped my ass home safely when he could've been home in bed. I could only imagine all the shit he'd done for her. I sat there shaking my head, mad as hell. He deserved so much better than that cheater.

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