Chapter 31

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[Art creds to me]
I'd like to express my hate for the start of this book. Honestly, the way I wrote it feels like I was so lost and didn't know what I was doing, but eh... I hope the rest of the book makes up for it :)


Normal people would think time traveling either made you feel nauseas while falling into a deep pit of weird abstract shapes and colors, but I do suppose not all of us are normal. So instead of confirming all your suspicions of how time travel is like is wrong, let me describe what exactly our sweet Nana experienced.

Do you know that momentary feeling of confusion when you wake up in a room you're unfamiliar with? Yes that, now add to it that you never realize where you actually are. Now before that confusion, your surroundings start to spin as your entire life flashes in front of your lives.

Got the picture? Well, add to that that you can no longer sort your memories. That's exactly what Nana experienced, the moment she landed on the ground, she was breathing heavily while trying to figure out what she just did, what her objective was, and what exactly was happening.

If time traveling itself wasn't already risky due to the changing of destinies, it would be more dangerous to time travel multiple times since you'd have more memories, and jumbling them up would confuse you a lot more. You see, in movies and books, usually the time traveler can still grasp the concept of why they did so, they actually remember why they're there for.

But for Nana, it was quite different, her memories were jumbled, she didn't remember why she was there. She was in the middle of nowhere, unable to even remember what timeline she had chosen.

"W-What's happening?" The pink haired cat elf questioned as her hands balled into fists, she was on her hands on knees on the soil as she tried to remember everything.

As if the after effects of time traveling wasn't enough, a dart had flown right past her head, alerting Nana that she wasn't alone. Nana's adrenaline soon rushed into her as she looked in the direction the dart came from, there, stood a blonde girl with purple eyes, her eyebrows were furrowed as she brought out another dart.

The blonde said nothing as she shot another dart which missed, the look of irritancy on her face worsened as she brought out another dart.

Realizing that the stranger was definitely not there to befriend her, Nana scrambled to her feet and settled off to run away as the blonde shot more darts, but missing much to her frustration.

"Is she another banned hero who's skills didn't get taken away?" Nana mutters to herself as she dodged every dart, "If she is... why is she acting like she hasn't ever played darts before?" Due to her being slightly distracted by her thoughts, the blonde had her chance to shoot a blue dart at her arm.

The moment the dart had made contact with her skin, Nana's eyes widened as she went frozen, 'A skill?' She thought as she was soon released from her short time of immobilization, 'No normal chemical would immobilize the target for a short period of time before wearing off like nothing happened...'

Nana shook her head in order to stop herself from dozing off again, giving the girl a chance to hit her.

Escaping her wasn't that difficult, she easily outran her while dodging the darts. Nana soon found security in a small shed close to the main road.

'Why was she so bad at aiming? She didn't even attempt to run after me!' Nana scoffed as she settled down at the ground to reclaim her thoughts.

"Nevermind that... I need to remember my objective." Nana told herself, "What timeline did I think of exactly?" Nana clenched her eyes shut as she tried to remember.

It only shot open moments later when she realized how much of a rush she should be, "I thought of the time when I was crying out for Guinevere in the middle of the forest... well... hours before that." Nana whispered before getting up, "That means I should be back at the hospital..."

"Oh my gord, I need to be there now! I can't mess up the past too much!"

"Where is the hospital?"


Guinevere hums casually as she walked back to the hospital room she had seen Nana in, she had spotted the person she was sent to get an hour before, but was unable to do so because of the presence of (Y/n) (L/n).

Now that she/he had went out to get some lunch, Guinevere was given the chance to do her mission. On her way back to the hospital room, she recited different multiple entrances she could do, she wanted to make sure she made a good first impression. As expected from a top student of their academy.

"Aha! I got it! Simple and straightforward." Guinevere snapped her fingers as she came up with her final decision, her eyes sparkled with excitement as she twisted the doornob open, she was just about to speak up when she realized the bed was as empty as can be.

"Huh? Where'd she go in that state?"


'Keep running. You need to hurry.' Nana told herself as she rushed back to the city, 'It doesn't matter where she meets you, you just have to meet her.'

Nana grits her teeth as she felt her legs feel like giving up, I mean, after all she's been through, why wouldn't she be exhausted?

'Keel going, keep going, you'll get a chance to rest after you fix everything!' Nana told herself as she turned the corner.

People were already sending her weird looks do to her battered up state, but hey, not like she cared, all she cared about was making sure she doesn't mess up the future.

"There's the hospital." Nana mutters as she spotted the white building from afar, "I do hope Guinevere is still there."

Her eyes fixated on the entrance as she ran like the wind, the entrance was the finish line and the anticipation grew stronger.

"Almost there." Just a few more moments and she would burst into the building.

"Almost—" she was interrupted when she bumped into someone, the moment she looked up, she immediately knew.

She screwed up.

"Nana? Why aren't you back in your room? Shouldn't you be resting?" (Y/n) says with a worried look on his/her face.

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