Chapter 30

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[Credit to sooooshi_2 on IG]


"There is no way in hell we'd purposely kill you!" Harley sneered, backing off a little while stubbornly keeping his hands crossed.

"Huh? I thought you wanted to kill me?" Harith smirked, a teasing grin lingering upon his face, "What changed your mind so suddenly?"

Harley glares at him and looks away with a huff, "Those were just empty threats... I wouldn't actually do it..." He mutters.

Nana stares at Harith, her eyes glistening with tears, "Y-you're actually serious?" She stutters out, "H-harith... I'd never do that... Sacrifice me inst—"

"No!" Both Harith and Harley yelled at once, they seemed to be glowering over her in anger.

"Nana... Never... I repeat, in any circumstance, suggest sacrificing your own life." Harley says, looking at Nana with a solemn look on his face, "It can be any of us. I'll do it."

"I already made a decision!" Harith protests, "I'll be the sacrifice!"

"You're better off alive than dead! You're experienced with time travelling!" Harley argues back.

"I need you to protect her with your life!"

"Isn't that your job? As far as I know, you have the overprotective personality among the both of us!"

"That's not the point, Vance!"

Harith and Harley soon engaged into another round of bickering. Same old same old. They never get tired of getting on each other's nerves.

Nana sighed, was it really the right time? Right now, she was in a mess of how to feel. By now, she was probably aware of how the two felt for her, but sadly she only felt the same for one of them.

"Alright, enough!" Nana screams, stepping in between them with an enraged look upon her face, "Knock it off before I sacrifice both of you!" She threatened.

Harith and Harley winced at the look on her face, no doubt, she was scary. They both drooped their head down shamefully.

"Sorry Nana..."

"Wrong timing?" Harith asks, lifting his head slightly.

"What do you think, genius?" Harley sent him an irritated glance.

"Says the mage genius." Harith mocks, a hand soon made contact with both their faces, causing a dark red mark to grow on their cheeks.

"Ow... You hit hard." Harley groaned, clutching his cheek with a pained expression on his face.

"Say a word and I will end you." Nana growled, her eyes literally twitching as she struggled to keep the threatening look on her face, "I'll be the sacrifice. No excuses. I'm weak and useless."

"No, you listen here Nana!" Harith hisses, retaliating from the hit as he grabbed on of her hands, holding it gently with one hand, "Only one person can time travel. One soul, one ride." Harith continued.

"We need you to time travel. You don't know how much we trust you, if you explained it to our past selves, we'd believe you and cooperate." Harith finishes, a desperate look on his face, "Please..."

"What about Imposore—"

"That's not a problem, Imposore can't imitate your missing ear, or send the same vibes you give when you smile."


"Alright, enough with the mushy stuff." Harley butts in, a disgusted look on his face.

'Dirty cheater... Trying something like that at a time like this...'

"What exactly are you sparing me for then? Why are you saying I can protect her when I can't even come along?"

Harith turned to him, a sly smile on his face as he gestured for Harley to look behind him.

There, the trees were oddly getting moved in a weird way, it was like, an army was headed that way.

"Protect her," Harith says, he then turned back to Nana, "Since you won't kill me yourself, I'll do it, once I die, a portal should appear above my body, enter it and think of the time you want to return to." He explains, he puts a hand on Nana's head and pats her, "Get it, sweetheart?" He smiles softly.

Nana nods, melting at the smile he sent her. Harith then back away and took out the time keys, somehow, one of the keys had a sharp apart, as if created for a time like this.

He point it towards her heart before looking at Harley, "You wanted to sacrifice yourself right? We both can." He smiled before pushing it in.

Harith's eyes widened in shock when he felt the pain surge into him, with the little time he had alive, he twisted the key a few times before falling to the ground. Dead.

Sure enough, the portal was there.

But even Harley and Nana didn't seem to notice as they watched their dear friend drop dead in front of them, "H-Harith..." Nana let out a sob, she landed on her knees in front of him, nor even trying to stop herself from crying.

"I love you."

Harley felt her words stab into him mercilessly. He never had a chance from the start, did he? Harley sighed as he looked away from the sight, "You had your way, Harith... Are you happy now?" He mutters bitterly.

"He loves you too, we both do." Harley says, gritting his teeth as he forced himself not to burst out crying as well.

Right that very moment, a few unnoticed banned heroes came out with a bloodthirsty look on their face

Nana, who was currently kneeling next to Harith, crying her eyes out, didn't seem to notice the new presences, but Harley sure did.

"Nana... Go." Harley says, grabbing Nana's arm and pulling her up, "I'll hold them back until you can successfully time travel."

"But you'll die!" Nana protests, immediately regretting it afterwards because of how stupid it sounded.

"I know." Harley chuckled, still smiling bitterly, "Both Harith and I signed up for this, now make sure it doesn't go to waste."

Nana knew denying it would be no use, all she had to do was accept things and move on.

Hesitantly, she nodded her head, she turned to the portal, wiping her tears.

'He loves me too...?' Nana thought as she began to think of many possibilities, 'They were both willing to sacrifice their lives for me...'

She didn't notice, but one of the banned heroes who had sharp teeth tried to attack her, but Harley jumped into save her from the worst possible scenario.

Harley grits his teeth in pain as his arm literally gets cut off, "Go! If you time travel you'll end our suffering."

Nana quickly snapped out of her trance and nodded, with yet another look of bravery, she stepped in the portal.

'I can't mess up this time.'


Scarred By Love | Harley x Nana x Harith | Mobile Legends: Bang  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now