Chapter 6

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"I know you like her, Harley!"

"I don't like her!"

"Yes you do! I saw how you look at her!"

"No Nana, I don't like Lolita! I only see her as a friend!" Harley retorts, "Now please respect my personal space and get out of my face."

Nana rolled her eyes but pulls away from pinning Harley to the wall, "You will be shipped with someone, I promise." She vows before skipping away.

"What was that?" Cyclops asks, coming out of nowhere.

"She insists in shipping me with Lolita," Harley sighed, "I don't think she knows."

"Unless you tell her~" Cyclops sings, Harley sends him a disappointed glare, "No."

"Unless you tell who what?" Harith asks, coming out of nowhere, his arms were crossed and his mouth was shaped into a frown, as if he already knew what they were talking about.

"None of your business." Harley shook his head, "Aren't you supposed to be teaching Nana or something?"

"She's busy going around and stalking Odette and Lancelot. I think she forgot about the tests." He sighed.

"Why do you need to know? You look like you know anyways." Cyclops says.

"I want to hear it come out of his mouth so I can have a valid reason to flip him off." He replied simply.

"Woah, calm down, you don't have to be so salty about it." Cyclops says, stepping back a little.

"You ain't hearing any respective words come out of my mouth." Harley sticks his tongue out, fixing his hat.

Harith said nothing but roll his eyes and walk away, "I have a better chance than you anyway."

"We'll see about that." Harley huffs, walking the other direction, leaving a confused Cyclops to contemplate life.

"How are they even sure they're talking about the same thing?" He scratched his head in confusion.


"What the grape happened?! How did you almost get caught?!"

"That stupid child. Got too curious and got me caught, the whole kingdom knows about me now."

"Well, do something about it! We can't let them sabotage our plan!"

"Like what?"

"Are you dumb? Go destroy something and cause conflict!"

"Okay, okay! You didn't have to he so mean about it."


"Nana, Nana, Nana!" Chang'e nags, shaking the girl profusely who was busy worrying about Molina.

"What?! Molina turned black!" Nana cried, "This never happened before!"

"Nana, this is more important, I swear!"

"What?" Nana groaned, holding Molina close.

"I hear yelling from the grassland, maybe we should go check it out?"

Nana glanced at Molina one more time before getting up, "Fine..."

"Good. Let's go now." Chang'e nods, glad that Nana's little fangirl phase was calmer than before.


"What happened?" Chang'e's breath hitched as she and Nana stood idle in front of the grassland that was completely burnt down.

"It's him. He did this." Miya says, stepping forward, "We need to put a stop to this before he does anything worse."

"Chang'e, Nana, kindly step away from this place, the authorities are coming ovee to check up on this place." Lesley says, readying her sniper for any ambush.

"We'll do, come on Nana." Chang'e nods, preparing herself to drag the stubborn girl away.

"But I want to help! How come you get to be involved in all these interestinf stuff while I sit in the corner, feeling useless than ever?" Nana protests, glaring at the two older girls.

"We know way more than you do." Lesley simply said.

"Don't worry, Nana, you'll be able to do the same when you grow up." Miya gave her a soft smile, "Move along now."

Nana blinks slowly at them but obeys anyways. "I need myself some fanfics to calm myself down..." She mumbles to herself.

"No! I don't want to deal with that side of you again." Chang'e shook her head violently.

"Omygosh Chang'e, what do you want me to not do?! Fangirl or want to be mature?!"

"Getting involved in the adults' business is not being mature, Nana!"

"But I discovered the new hero! I have my rights!"

"Okay, you clearly don't get the concept of keeping everybody safe."

"That literally makes no sense."

"To quote you, "I don't like seeing my friends fight"." A familiar voice rang through the mini argument that was spiking up between the two small girls.

They quickly turned to the direction of the voice to see their friends, Angela, Harley, Cyclops, Diggie, and Harith.

"Please distract her or something." Chang'e begs, "I think she wants to murder me."

"I don't want to murder you," Nana declared, "I simply want to end you."

"That's the definition of killing someone." Diggie stifles his laugh.

"Alright, calm down, sugar." Angela says soothingly, rubbing the girl's back.

"How does one calm down?" Nana rolled her eyes.

"Her personality changes too quick." Cyclops comments.

"She's just angry." Harith shrugged.

"Alright you mood-changing-adorable-short-scary-can't-decide-how-to-feel-sweetheart," Harley starts, pulling the small girl in his embrace, taking the girl by surprise and earning a glare from a certain someone.

"I can't tell if that was meant ro be an insult or a compliment." Diggie states.

"I assume it's both." Angela shrugged.

"Why don't you calm down, I'll show you some magic tricks?" Harley smiled at the girl in his arms.

"Fine..." Nana huffs, unaware of the position they were in.

Scarred By Love | Harley x Nana x Harith | Mobile Legends: Bang  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now