Chapter 25

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"Have it." Fe Shian stares down at the corpse in front of her, she waves her hand in a motion meaning she didn't want anything with the corpse and that Nischal could have it all to himself.

Nischal bent down next to the limp figure and sliced through the ginger haired girl's skin, as soon as the blood was basically trickling down his weapon, he held it near his mouth and licked it clean with his tongue.

"Bitter." He grimaced, "Must have a toxic personality." He rolled his eyes, wiping his mouth with his sleeve, "That pink child's blood tasted better."

"I don't care about your personal preferences." Fe Shian scoffed, pushing Guinevere's corpse down a hole they dug, "Just bury her and let's finish our job."

Nischal rolled his eyes but begrudgingly buried the poor girl anyways, "What's next?" He asks, brushing dust off hands.

"We find the others and eliminate them." Fe Shian answers, "No blood testing." She adds, slipping her katana into its special compartment.

"Fine." Nischal grumbles, trailing behind Fe Shian who was trudging deeper into the forest by the minute, "But once I meet that girl again, I need at least a few drops..."

"You're disgusting." Fe Shian spat, "Iron tastes the same, I don't care about your stupid backstory, only psychopaths like blood."

"We're all psychopaths." Nischal argues, he stops in his tracks as his eyes dilated in the process, "I sense... Blood."

Fe Shian sighed and turned around, "Well duh, we just buried a corpse."

"No... I sense... sweet blood." Nischal says as he began walking through a thick number of trees, Fe Shian spluttered upon her words in disbelief at her companion's mysterious actions but decided to follow after him anyway.

"Sweet blood? You're mental, how can you sense sweet blood?" Fe Shian mutters under her breath but decided not to question any further.

Sure enough, Nischal and Fe Shian stopped behind a tree, and in a small distance, were 4 figures.

Nischal and Fe Shian looked at each other. They found their new victims.


"Cold." Nana whimpers as she scoots closer to Harith's chest, she kept her eyes closed in her desperate attempts to catch some sleep. Harith blushed at this action but decided not to say anything.

'She's sleepy. She doesn't know what she's doing.' Harith told himself.

They all sat around a small fire (Y/n) had created, warming themselves up while attempting to catch some zzz's.

"Sooo..." (Y/n) starts as they dropped a few fire wood into the campfire, "What are your relationship statuses with the pink haired cutie?" They ask.

Harley and Harith's faces immediately heated up a little as they avoided any eye contact with anyone, "Friends...." They both muttered in unison.

"Acquaintance." Orion mutters, playing with the fire with a stick, "I saved their butts once."

"Once." Harith repeats through gritted teeth, "Nobody else needed you afterwards."

Harley sent a glare towards him as he laid down on the ground, observing the night sky once more, "Tough times. Why do you ask?" He asks.

"Just asking." (Y/n) smiled innocently, petting Molina who sat idle on their lap, "The two of you seems to have taken quite an interest in her." They winked at Harith and Harley.

"Can we not acknowledge this issue?" Harley sighed, "I'm in no mood to talk trash about this idiot."

"You're one to talk, big-head." Harith interjects, making sure not to make his voice too loud, "'I'm good at everything' is basically your life moto."

"You both are pricks anyway." Orion adds, still not looking away from the fire. The light emitting from the campfire was slowly blinding Orion, but he honestly didn't care at this point. He just wanted to forget the situation he was in.

'Observing them from afar would've done me good.' He thought, 'But surprise, surprise, I just had to remind them of my existence.'

"Shut up, you simpleton." Harley says, "You know nothing about us. Don't go judging us like you've known us your whole life."

"Actually, I do." Orion smirks, his eyes trailing away from the fire, "I watched you from a distance ever since you were released, so, yes, I have known you for a long time."

"Creep." Harley remarks, sitting up from his position, "Stalker. Why were you watching us from afar?" He furrows his eyebrows in disgust.

All those times where he thought he had complete privacy was probably a complete lie.

"I had to make sure Nana was around good company." Orion shrugged, "You two are quite full of yourselves, especially you, Harley."

"I'm a little frightened by the fact that all this time, you were our stalker." Harith says.

"I don't stalk you. You're a waste of time. I simply watch over Nana." Orion smiles, "My backstory has something to do with her. But that's none of your business."

"Do you have feelings for her?" (Y/n) spoke up, "She does seem like a very likeable individual."

"Yes I do." Orion answers, "Harith's not the only one with a history with her." He chuckles.

Harley wanted to explode. The whole night, he was keeping in the urge to murder Harith here and then, then this newbie waltzes in and announced he also had feelings for his beloved. He was sure he was a ticking time bomb by now.

"Alright that's it." Harley says, getting up from his place, hands shaped into fists, "Harith, drop her."

"Why would I do that?" Harith asks, an eyebrow raised, he quite liked the feeling of having Nana in his arms, so he refused to comply to such wishes with no valid reason.

"Because I'm dragging both you and peabrain to the top off a mountain and pushing you off." Harley spat, he was fuming with anger by now. For others, he was simply overreacting. But may I remind you, this was all his bottled up feelings being unleashed.

"No one's going to listen to you, big-head." Orion rolled his eyes, crossing his arms, "We're all rivals. What you're asking for is for us to basically surrender."

"Fine! I'll make you!" Harley snatched Nana's small body from Harith's arms, gave her to (Y/n), and grabbed both boy's forearms and began dragging them through the cold night.

"Harley, let go!"

"Shut up Harith, I will kill you, I've been wanting to do this for so long and I'll do it now."

"Pathetic. Letting your anger issues get to you."


(Y/n) chuckled as they watched all three boys disappear into the trees. They looked at the sleeping face of Nana and smiled, "You're a special one, dear." They said, rubbing her cheek gently, "But all special things have to be destroyed."

(Y/n) slowly leaned close to Nana's face, and connecting their lips. They took her first kiss.

(Y/n) smiled in satisfaction as they pulled away, slowly, her figure began to dissolve, and slowly, she transformed into Nana.

"You're no use for me now." They smiled sadistically, eyeing the campfire with a glint in their eyes.

yeah you're evil. Deal with it.

Scarred By Love | Harley x Nana x Harith | Mobile Legends: Bang  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now