Chapter 34

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[Art credit to me]

Sleep deprivation yay :) I literally haven't written anything in a two months

(I'm at a sleepover with my two besties actually never mind they've abducted me and forced me to write this)


She had to do it again, she had to watch everything fall apart once more. She didn't know how it happened, nor how such a little thing could make a difference. She had already watched everyone she loved die twice, she didn't intend on doing it once more.

But what else could she do?


One thing Nana knew she should keep in mind was to keep her guard up no matter what, no matter how safe the place she was in, no matter how she knew nothing was to happen at that very moment.

It had only hit her that they were drastically changing the future, 3 people knew and could do things she was not aware about that was quite crucial to what would happen next.

Take Orion for example, such an oblivious boy, thinking that catching that girl was a heroic deed. The moment he even knew she was spying on them put them on checkmate.

"She's done it." The blonde girl says out loud.

"What good does that do to you?" Orion narrowed his eyes, pressing her wrist harder against the rocky surface.

Her hand had already began bleeding, but the girl didn't care. As weak and vulnerable as she seemed to be, she was quite determined to complete her task.

"Track her." Her last words, the girl looked at Orion in triumph as the bushes ruffled, a black Molina running away.

Orion momentarily took his concentration from the girl and prompted to chase after the fake Molina, but the girl had stabbed a dart onto his torso, "You just did us a huge favor, we can now complete our tasks faster than that of the past." She says with a genuine smile, "Thank you for the help."


Nana watched in horror as she watched the battle unfold in front of her very eyes, the battle that wasn't supposed to happen until quite some time. It was somehow... Changed.

A sweaty hand snatched onto hers, she jolted at first and jumped back in surprise, only to find Harley standing there. He was bleeding from head to toe, blood was coming out of his mouth as if he had just been coughing out the substance.

He looked at her solemnly, "Do it again, Nana, we need you to do it again." He says.

"What happened to Harith?" Nana asks, also questioning how nobody was attacking them, they seemed too preoccupied with what they were doing, "And when did this happen to you?!"

Harley's already empty eyes darkened, he took one shaky hand and placed something in her hand. The key.

"N-no... Not again." Nana says, "Don't let me do it again! Let someone else do it! I already failed! I don't want to suffer anymore, please!-"

"Nana, please!" Harley cut her off, he looked around and sighed, pulled her behind a tree to avoid any suspicions, their luck wouldn't last too long.

"Harith knows, if only you'd keep trying. If you keep trying, you'll find the right ending. You just have to keep in mind, as long as you always have the key, you can have as many tries as you like." Harley smiled sadly.

Nana had never seen Harley be so calm and collected, but then again, no one could afford being their normal immature self at this time.

"No." She says sternly, "You do it, if you really care about me, you shouldn't let me suffer!"

Harley's sad smile etched into a frown, "Nana, trust me, you're the only one who can do this."

"Says who?!"

"Two more times, just try two more times." Harley says, holding her hand in his.

Nana looked at his hands tearfully, "two more times then I get to rest?"

Harley nodded.

Nana sucked in a breath, holding in a sob and clutched the key, she'd just have to stay strong for a few more days. Hopefully she'd get it right on the first.

She wiped her tears and got up, "Who's the sacrifice?" She asks bitterly.

Harley shrugged and pointed at himself, "Who else?"

Nana gritted her teeth when memories of Harith from the other timeline came flashing back.

'Really? Really?! Of all people! Why does it always have to be me?!'

Nana breathed heavily and took a few deep breaths, "F-fine."

Harley got up and pointed at his heart, "Make it quick."

Nana nodded, she looked at the exact location he pointed, when she remembered what the past timeline Harley had to go through.

He had to find out that Nana loved Harith and not him, that was the last thing he found out before his very death.

'Inconsiderate.' Nana told herself bitterly, she believed she owed it to him.

She pinned him to the tree, and gave him a quick kiss on the lips, Harley's eyes widened at the sudden movement, but Nana had already stabbed him on the heart.

Cruel, but she didn't want to know what was to come next.

Everything was already as confusing as it is.

'Can't wait to fail and forget all this ever happened.'

And so, our little cat elf trekked onto another journey of time travelling. What a mess she got herself into.


"Why did you let her have another try? You could've ended her right them and there!"

"Patience, dear Imposore, enjoy the process. Watch as all hope slowly fades away, not like she has any left. Watch as she slowly loses her sanity as she gets stuck in the loop of watching her loved ones die. Watch as she slowly loses grasp of what's important.

Then maybe, I'll let her rest."


We are coming to a close.

Scarred By Love | Harley x Nana x Harith | Mobile Legends: Bang  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now