Chapter 23

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[art credit to user25583417]

I love it OMG. You artists are so talented, I envy you :(


"Why did I let you tag along again?" Orion grumbles as he walks through the thick trees with the ecstatic boy/girl tagging behind him. The young boy had set out on an expedition to find the rest of his fellow heroes... Not like he ever was one but eh, one can dream.

"Because if you don't, I'll tell everyone your little secret." (Y/n) hums with a smirk plastered upon their face. They held their hands up behind their neck, happily following their friend.

"They'll most likely send you to the mental hospital." Orion mutters, "So why am I even worried?"

"Because they know very well that I am sane. Besides, I have proof to back up my suspicion." (Y/n) answers back.

"Ugh fine, but don't blame me if some of her minions come after us and cause us certain death!"

"I thought you were a banned hero yourself?"

"I am. But they hate my guts." He grumbled, "Is this invalid argument done?"

"Debatable, but I'm tired of arguing so I'll stop." (Y/n) shrugs, dropping their hands from behind their neck, "So... where exactly are you trying to go?"

Orion did not say anything as a reply, for he was very well sure that he did not know where he was going.

"Going out without a destination is dangerous, you know?" (Y/n) sighed, "Guess we'll be out longer than I thought. Now, tell me, what were you skills?"

Orion sighed at the girl/boy's endless questions. Guess there was no escape? He didn't have a reason to decline anyway.

"Well... I have 4 skills... They all function like Lunox's, the first two skills can be activated at level one." He started, "My first skill gives me the ability to reveal anyone invisible by sending a ball of blue light at any invisible character. It does very little damage, like a buffed first skill."

"Pftt, Rafaela's first skill rip off." (Y/n) scoffed, earning a glare in return.

"No. Rafaela's first skill slows her enemies down, mine doesn't. Anyways, my second skill does no damage whatsoever but alerts me if any enemy is at a near proximity but out of my sight, it uses my ears' powerful hearing senses."

"Is that why you have your hat covering one ear?" (Y/n) questions.

"Yes. My second skill makes me rid of the hat for a few seconds, thus putting the skill at action." He nods, "My third skill cancels all immunities and regenerating spells inside a small bubble the forms around me once the skill has been activated. This continues for around 3 seconds while slowing all enemies down."

"Rip Karina and Chou." (Y/n) chuckled, "Please continue."

"My 4th skill is the most irritating of all, it cancels any skill used within my shot range, meaning Alice, Odette, Pharsa, and so on so forth are all the best victims of my ult. However, this skill can only be used on one hero, so it must be aimed properly." He finished.

"And your passive?" (Y/n) asks, raising an eyebrow, "I really hope your passive isn't as op as your skills are."

"I'm really useless if on my own." Orion rolled his eyes, "I can't tell you that. It's a secret."

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