Chapter 5

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[ART BY: harith/knight52 on Amino]

"This is scary." Chang'e acknowledges as she was unwillingly dragged through the woods by a certain pink haired girl.

"It will be fun, I promise!" Nana says, jumping over a log, making Chang'e trip, "Sorry."

"What could possibly be fun in a dark woods?" Chang'e sighed, getting up and dusting her clothes off, "I want big brother."

"Nothing will happen, I promise." Nana flashed her a smile, they finally arrived at their destination, and the creepy ambiance of their surroundings made Chang'e more uneasy than she already was.

"Can we PLEASE go now?"

"Hold on. In a few minutes, we're out of here." Nana smiled, recalling all those interesting books she read about the main character finding answers in the place the conflict was created.

She began inspecting the open gate, being careful not to get her feet stuck in the mud.

"Look Chang'e! There's another way our of Land of Dawn!"

"That just makes me worried about the security." Chang'e shivers, walking over to the gate.

"Please let us leave."

"Hold on. I've almost got it." Nana stuck her tongue out of her mouth as she began touching around the gate, all she felt was moss and icky stuff, that's when she accidentally slipped and fell out into the ground outside the gate.

"Nana! We're not supposed to go to the overworld!" Chang'e shrieks, grabbing the foot of her friend, dragging her back in.

"Wait! I saw something!" Nana protests, getting up and readies herself to step out once again.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, child." Nana and Chang'e turned around quickly, expecting to see the familiar purple haired girl.

"How come?" Nana tilts her head to the side.

"You can't use your skills in the overworld. Thus, making you vulnerable to any harm in your way. You would also sabotage the game by doing that." Karina jumps out of a tree she was sitting on, sticking her sword in the ground, "Trust me, I know. Now, why don't you go back to the grasslands and play with your friends. This is not something to be meddling with."

"But the new hero! I met him here, we can find a way to stop him!"

"No one knows what he is capable of, Nana. Miya and Lesley has only seen his basic attacks, who knows what his other skills are capable of doing." Karina shook her head, "This problem is up to us to fix. You're too young to be worrying about these things."

"But I've always wanted to have a real adventure." Nana's ears flopped down as she bent her head down.

"Just listen, Nana, stop being stubborn, you know there's nothing you can do about it." Chang'e sighed, "Please help me, Karina, she won't leave, but I can't leave her alone either, she could get hurt!"

Karina bent down, motioning Chang'e to come forward, "Listen." She whispered in her ear, "Find something to distract her with."

"Like what?" Chang'e asks.

"There's this thing from the overworld called, fanfiction. Once you get addicted to a movie, book, anime, so on so forth, fanfiction can really take your head out of any conflict." Karina says.

"Where am I supposed to find this "fanfiction"?"

"You know those mobile phones Moonton gave away to older heroes? You can just search them up on this app called Google." Karina answered, "Now hurry up before anything bad happens. We are in the woods after all."

Chang'e immediately nods and pulls Nana out of the woods, "I've got something interesting to show you."


"Wanna hangout sometime?" Hayabusa asks sheepishly, rubbing his neck in embarrassment as he looked down at the small, white-haired girl.

"Of course! I can never turn down an offer to spend some time with my friend!" Kagura smiled sweetly, "See you later!" She finishes before skipping away.

"Why do you even try?" Hanabi huffs, coming out from nowhere with her arms crossed, "She only sees you a friend. You should look for more options, there are many more better fish out at sea."

"I love her." Hayabusa sighed, "You can't just let go of someone you love just like that."

"This is not going to work out in the end, Haya. Just give up. You've been courting her for 2 years now." Hanabi says.

"If you're not going to be supportive about this, Hana, leave us alone." Hayabusa says sternly, taking the black haired girl aback.

"Fine." She huffs, stomping away, "I warned you."

Hayabusa sighed, he knew that Hanabi secretly was crushing on him, but he also knew that she knew he loved Kagura, she just wouldn't give up!

"HAYABUSA! PLEASE HELP ME!" Chang'e yells, running towards him with a desperate look on her face.

"What happened?" Hayabusa raised an eyebrow, "Have you seen Karina or Lesley or Miya?!" Chang'e asks.

"No, I haven't, but Kagura was going to hangout with Miya, she went to the pool area."

"Okay! Thanks!" Chang'e says, dragging Nana, who appeared out of nowhere, away.

"I just found a new love triangle..." Nana laughs evilly, letting the brunette drag her away.

"HELP!" Chang'e cried out once they had arrived at the pool area, Miya, Layla, and Selena were talking and laughing by the pool side.

"What's wrong, Chang'e?" Layla asks in concern.

"I let Nana read this thing called fanfics to distract her from being so curious about the conflict that is spreading around Land of Dawn, but now she knows too much from shipping people to love triangles, squares, pentagons, and all those stuff!"

"Well.... you can't fix that anymore." Miya laughed, "Who suggested that anyways?"

"Karina did. I mean, her suggestion worked, but now Nana is just a love addict or something." Chang'e sighed.

"Of course my sister would suggest that." Selena laughed, "It affected all of us once in our teenage lives."

"Just help me!" Chang'e whines, Nana was right beside her, a phone in hand with a dreamy look on her face.

"They're so perfect together!" Nana squeals.

"Take the phone." Selena orders.

"I tried doing that earlier, but she started hyperventilating!"

Layla rolled her eyes and snatched the mobile phone out of the pink haired child's hand.

"Wha— I was at the good part! They were about to kiss!" Nana protests, jumping and trying to reach the phone that Layla held high in the air.

"Nu uh, you are going insane, little one." Layla shook her head.

"Why don't you do something else aside from rotting your brain with fanfiction?" Miya chuckled.

"...Like what? Shipping people in real life?"

Scarred By Love | Harley x Nana x Harith | Mobile Legends: Bang  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now