Chapter 19

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(Art Credit to @Sym_bol) Thanks for submitting hon ^-^


"You idiot!" A feminine voice came as the shop owner's body fell to the ground, a bloody hole in the middle of his chest, "You're not supposed to kill people in the outerworld! They don't resurrect!"

"He was about to hurt the children!" Another voice protests.

Harith and Harley finally got over the trauma that overtook them and was able to take a peek at their saviors.

Layla and Clint stood there. Layla was scolding Clint about how you shouldn't kill people in the overworld, the poor man stared at the ground, gun in hand, ashamed.

"Layla? Clint?" Harith says as he and Harley approached them, still sweating from the run they did.

"Ay!" Clint beamed, turning to them, "There they are! We can bring them back to the rest of the group now." he says, hoping to stop his girlfriend's scolding.

Layla gave him one last glare before facing the two younglings, "You guys alright?" She smiled in concern, "We've been looking for you everywhere, hoping to bring you to safety.

"Hold up," Harley raised an eyebrow, "What are you doing in the outerworld?"

"Looking for you." Clint rolled his eyes, "What else?"

"The big question is, how did you two end up here in the first place?" Layla adds before any of the two could add anything.

"Looking for Nana." Harith says irritably, "Remember? The one you forgot?"

"It's not our fault though." Layla sighed, "Remember, the getting in the outerworld makes all the other heroes forget you."

"But if you actually cared about her, something as stupid as this wouldn't do anything to make you forget!" Harith protests, Harley shoves him to the side, gesturing him to shut up.

'And they say I have no self-control.' Harley thought sarcastically.

"Woah, hold up there, little guy." Clint starts, "We're game characters, we have no control over what happens to us when we violate Moonton's rules. Besides, we also ended up here in accident."

"You call being recked by the banned heroes and thrown here an accident?" Layla chuckled, her mouth then shaped into a frown, "Nevermind that, we're not safe here in public. Clint here just shot a man, I'm pretty sure someone saw that stupidity."

"I didn't know!"

"I'm just kidding. In all seriousness though, let's go meet up with the others."


Nana stared at the white ceiling, wallowing in her desire to run back home and just forget about all the suffering she went through. She wanted so bad to go look around for her friends, but to no luck, her injured leg wouldn't do her any justice.

(Y/n) went out for lunch just a few minutes ago for lunch, leaving Nana nothing to do, but think.

Then there was this certain boy in her head. Nana found herself thinking about him quite a lot lately. Especially after he showed her the signs of his feelings for her. She wasn't that oblivious, you know?

"Nyah! Why can't I stop thinking of him?!" Nana exclaimed, burying her head into her pillow, blushing at the thought of him, "It's getting stronger too! Why do I read too much fanfiction?!" She whimpered, rolling over to her side.

Then again... perhaps he was the only one keeping her sane. The one who kept her alive. The one who forced her to stay strong and never give up. Just like how she made him keep fighting on.

They may not know it, but they're keeping each other alive despite all the craziness that was happening.

Nana smiled at the thought of seeing his smile again, her eyelids soon got heavy, slowly leading her to a deep slumber.

She was about to fall fast asleep, when a certain nurse burst into her room, "Hello miss!" The nurse greeted enthusiastically, a little bit too enthusiastically.

Nana groaned as she forced herself to sit up, "Wha?" She rubbed her eyes, trying to process who came in in such a hurry.

The nurse that came in had long, luscious ginger hair, it was styled into large, bouncy curls, with bangs and a purple bow in the back. She had violet (I think) eyes that seemed to gleam in victory when she caught a glimpse at Nana.

"Who are you?" Was the first thing that came out of Nana's mouth, she tilted her head curiously at the nurse.

"Guinevere, Ms. Violet, I was sent to look for you." The nurse grinned, "Didn't think it would be this easy to find you!"

"Guine—" Nana cut off her sentence when she came to realization, "The new hero in Land of Dawn?"

"That is me." Guinevere grins, giving a curtsy, she somehow could do it with her nurse outfit.

"They knew I was top at the academy, skilled, and definitely perfect for this quest! I was sent to bring you back to the rest of the group." Guinevere says.

"Wait... but won't they forget you since you came to the outerworld?" Nana asks.

"We were all thrown in the outerworld, sweetie. We're trying to find a way back since Mobile Legends got taken over."

'That explains everything.' Nana thought in worry, 'They've gone too far...'

"Now come on, I'll bring you to safety." Guinevere pats her head, lending her hand out.

"Um... my leg..." Nana mumbles, gesturing towards her leg that prevented her to do anything but lay in bed and sleep.

"Oh..." Guinevere looked down in dismay, "It's alright... I'll find a way to get you out of here."


"Wala kang pupuntahan kundi sa kulungan! (You're not going anywhere but jail!)" Two of the employees from the department store came chasing after Orion.

The boy wouldn't give up and continued to run for his life, they've been running for 30 minutes straight now, Orion felt the tiredness wash over him, but he couldn't just give up like that!

"Leave me alone!" He screamed out, knowing it was useless.

Sweat dripped down his forehead as he continued to dodge people, lamp posts, etc.

'I really need to find a way to lose them.' He thought desperately, looking around for any strategy he could use.

He was just about to look back at his path, when he slammed into someone.

"Ow! Watch where you're going!"

Scarred By Love | Harley x Nana x Harith | Mobile Legends: Bang  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now