Chapter 10

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"Why is it always him? How did she even sense he was in danger? Do they have some sort of connection that made her know he needed help?" Harith mumbled to himself, tossing some pebbles into the fountain.

The time traveler sat by the water fountain that was located at the center of Land of Dawn. His misty eyes glowered with tears as he continued to overthink.

"First she wore his hat instead of m— oh wait... I don't have a hat... BUT he got to have a moment with her and no distractions... and me? He just has to butt in all the time." Harith says, "What sense am I trying to even make?"

"Oh my gosh, just face it, Harith. Harley's been here longer than you have, been friends with her longer than you have, and he belongs in this timeline. You're just an ordinary time traveler trying to find a life in other timelines because apparently your timeline is a wreck."

Harith stopped talking to himself and stared at his reflection in the water, "Just stop trying to be better than him. Because you'll never be."
(nAnI? eXcUsE mE?)
"Just accept fate." Harith sighed before throwing one last pebble at the reflection of his face.

He stood up and began to head back to the infirmary before everybody thought he was dead or something, that was when realization hit him.

"Fate... I can change fate... I'm a time traveler."


"No you are not time travelling again!"

"Oh my gord, Diggie! Those are MY keys! I have every right to take them back!"

"But it's MY job to make sure you don't screw up time science!"

"I won't screw up tine science! I'll simply be preventing a few events from happening!"

"That WILL mess up time, you bonehead!"

"Oh my gord, just give me the keys." Harith sighed, "I won't screw anything up."

"You said that before but you ended up messing people's histories up. Like Jawhead and Ellie." Diggie deadpans, crossing his arms.

"Shhhh! No one needs to know about that!" Harith glared, looking around him cautiously.

"Or Ruby's."


"Or the explosion of the Land of Dawn castle."

"Shut up!" Harith retorts, placing a hand over Diggie's mouth, "This is a very important manner! I-I'm going to stop the new hero..."

"How are you supposed to do that?" Harley's voice came as the said magician came trudging towards them.

"In a way you'll never think of doing." Harith spat.

"Woah you guys! No need to spark a fight now. When'd you even start being cold to each other?" Diggie asks.

"Ever since this thing called feelings smacked them in the face like a baseball bat... or whatever that is." Cyclops says, appearing out of nowhere because magic.

"What—Okay you know what? Diggie just give me the freaking time keys!"

"Fine! If it makes you stop bugging me." Diggie gives in, reaching his hand in his pocket to retrieve the delicate keys.

"They're not here."


"Dexter who's keys are these?" Claude questions curiously, eying the shiny golden keys in the hands of the monkey.

Dexter began dangling the keys on one finger, making sounds a monkey shouldn't make.

"Alright, give them here." Claude sighed, reaching a hand out to the monkey.

Dexter, not wanting to be like all those other naughty monkeys, handed in the keys.

"Thank you, Dexter." Claude smiled gratefully, walking off to find the owner.

Meanwhile, Nana and Angela were walking about by the fountain after their interview, which by the way, Harith did not attend...

"So..." Nana bit her lip, "How long have you liked Harley?"

Angela stopped in her tracks, clearly startled by the sudden question.

"What do you mean?" Angela sweatshops, turning to the girl with a pink hue on her face.

(Shhhh she aint sabotaging any of your ships... yet ;))

"How long, like 2 weeks... 2 months... 2 years... your whole life." Nana confirms, her voice getting softer once she neared the end of her response.

"W-well.... I wouldn't say my whole life... but I guess ever since I met him... why'd you ask?" Angela answers hesitantly.

Nana nods her head slowly, staring at her feet, deep in thought.



"Do you like anyone?"

Nana blinks, looking at her in a blank way, "Yes."


"You don't have to know. I need to go do something."


"Where's my hat?!" Harley screeched, searching the table he last placed his treasured object.

"Where did you last put it?" Diggie asks, coming back from question everyone if they've seen Harith's time keys.

"In this plain old boring table!"

"Alright calm down, the table did nothing wrong, we'll look for you hat after we've found the time keys." Cyclops states.

"No! I need to make sure my hat is okay!" Harley protests.

"Look dude," Harith starts, pinning Harley to a nearby wall, "Someone could be traveling through time, flunking things up, and you're just here whining about a stupid hat!"

"You don't understand!" Harley glares, pushing him away.

"Must they always fight?" Diggie whispers to Cyclops.

"Apparently yes." Cyclops sighed.

"Either you man up and focus on what's important, or you can stay sobbing in the corner over some inanimate object that wouldn't change anything!" Harith says, pushing Harley back to the wall.

"How do you know it wouldn't change anything?!" Harley growls, pushing him back.

"I just do!" Harith pushes him back AGAIN.... well... that made them end up in an awkward position.

"Ew get away from me!"

"You pushed me! This is your fault!"


Scarred By Love | Harley x Nana x Harith | Mobile Legends: Bang  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now