Chapter 12

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[Art Credit to Nanalove_ii on Instagram]


"What are you doing here?!"

"Angela/Lolita, what's he doing here?!"

"Oh, we thought both of you persuading Nana would convince her alot more." Angela shrugged, "Stronger in unity." She chuckled, walking inside the battlefield.

"Nana!" She yells out, looking for a smol girl getting attacker by a bunch of ai, but all that came back was silence, "...Nana?"

"This is a hoax isn't it?" Harley asks bitterly, "So you can get this leopard boy and I together?"

"NO, it's not!" Lolita says worriedly, "Angela, are you sure she's not there?"

"I've checked 10 times, and no she is not here!" Angela proclaimed, she approached a bush where she saw a glint of blue, "Molina's here... she never leaves without Molina."

Harith jumps into the battlefield and inspects Molina, "She's turning blackish-purple." He mutters.

Molina stayed quite still, which was very unlikely of her. "I recognize that color combination..." Harith's breath hitched.

"Oh my gord... she's in actual trouble..."


"Alright! Diggie, Cyclops, you go North, Angela, Chang'e, you go East, Harith, Harley, you go West, and I'll go South. Any signs of Nana, send a signal." Lolita says.

They figured Celosia dragged Nana through the woods, because that's where she seemed to be able to hide in, the other places in Land of Dawn had been scoured, now it's the woods' turn.

"Why do I have to be with him?" Harith sighed, "You know what, it didn't matter, lets get this done with."

The two boys walked through the woods in pure fear that some beast would attack them or something, sure, they were heroes, but they had
some pretty traumatizing experiences with the woods where you could nearly die.

(just imagine how Nana feels)

"So..." Harley trails, trying to fill the awkward silence, "When are you planning on telling her?"

"Are you really gonna bring that up now?" Harith sighed, using his lamp to light up their path.

"Well... an argument is better than silence, now is it." Harley slightly chuckled, "Come on, just fight me, verbally..."

"I really don't have the strength to fight you when I know Nana isn't safe."

"You're not the only one feeling that way." Harley rolled his eyes, "Well... why do you like her?"

"Well... she was really nice to me when I first came to Land of Dawn, all the others were rude and unwelcoming..."

"Excuse me? Do you know where the—" Harith begins, only to be responded with a rough shove.

Harith sighed, "That's the 10th time now." He sat on the fountain and buried his head in his hands, "How long does this have to keep happening? Why won't anyone help me?"

"Are you okay, Mister?" A small, cute voice came, making Harith look up.

A small pink haired cat elf stood there, she had a concerned and curious look on her face, "I uh- yes... I just need directions, that's all." He gave her a small smile, expecting yet another person turning him down.

"Directions? I can give you directions!" She cheered, "I know this place like the back of my head!"

"Really?" Harith's eyes sparkled.

"Yup!" Nana nods her head vigorously, "Anything for a friend!"


"Yes, friend!"

"Definitely sounds like Nana." Harley smiled, "She's too kind for her own good, sometimes I believe she has the capacity to befriend murderers or something."

"She's also really generous and isn't self centered. She's really optimistic and always tries to make a frown into a smile." Harith continued, "I used to think of her as a sister... but things changed..."

"Well..." Harley starts, "I used to be the most obnoxious person alive... you can ask everyone else... I was so self-centered, and my ego was probably bigger than my positivity... but she changed that."

"How come you get more gifts than I do?!" Harley exclaimed, glaring at the pile of gifts Cyclops received.

"Because I deserve them?" Cyclops shrugged, ripping open one box.

"It's not fair! I deserve it more than you do!" Harley whines, stomping his foot on the ground like a 5-year-old.

"Now, now, Harley, humble yourself." Lesley scolds, "You've received enough gifts this year, you only opened them on the spot, that's why you have less right now."

Harley continued to whine about how he deserved more and how superior he was, Nana sat in the corner with her few gifts, she watched the young boy complain in amusement.

"If you want, you can have mine!" Nana offers, pushing her small gift pile towards Harley's gigantic one.

"You don't want it?" Harley asks curiously.

"Well, I want it, but seeing a friend smile is way better!" Nana grins, Harley sheepishly accepts the gift pile.

"You really should stop spoiling him, Nana." Miya shook her head disapprovingly, "It won't do anything but make his ego bigger."

"I like seeing everyone happy." Nana pouts.

"They may not know it... but it was definitely changing me." Harley sighed.

"That also sounds a whole lot like Nana." Harith chuckled, he looks at the ground sadly, "I really hope she's alright."

A blood curling scream suddenly filled the air, as with a bunch of, "PLEASE STOP!"s.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Yes actually."


Currently rushing while typing this. Parents are gona take away my phone bc i gotta study for entrance exams. gotta go. cya. rip grammar

Scarred By Love | Harley x Nana x Harith | Mobile Legends: Bang  [COMPLETED]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें