Chapter 29

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[Credit to P1C4TS0]

Nana's eyes filled with agony once Celosia's ult was activated, she was a human, not a game character, meaning she would experience the pain for real.

'It feels like... I'm suffocating... There's intense pain everywhere... My life force... She's sucking it out.' Nana's breath hitched as she closed her eyes, she could no longer find the strength to move out of the way. Not like she could.

'N-no... Don't let her play you around like that.' Nana thought through gritted teeth, her eyes squeezed close as she heavily debated whether to keep on fighting or to give up, 'Don't confirm her assumptions that she can just hurt you repeatedly and get away with it.'

Nana slowly opened her eyes as she fell to the ground, she lay on her knees and elbows, then she lifted up her head with intense rage and bloodlust visible in her misty blue orbs, "You... Won't... Win."

Angela quickly jumped to her feet, if she could just maybe, knock her over, perhaps it would cancel her ult. Angela didn't care if she'd get killed, it already hurt her enough that she let Chang'e get hurt without even getting the chance to do anything. Harith and Harley were unconscious, Angela knew they'd go crazy once they were awake, but for now, all Nana had was her.

Angela summoned all her willpower before grabbed Lesley's sniper, she jumped behind a tree and shot a bullet in Celosia's direction.

'It's my job to help people.'

"You forgot about me." Angela taunts, shooting another bullet, hitting Celosia's arm. Celosia looked in her direction and receded, obviously annoyed by the support, surprisingly, she didn't stop using her ult, "Ulala.... I got you back!"

"You're next." Celosia growls, looking back down at Nana who was paler than ever, she no longer kept her head up but was sprawled on the ground, she was nearly dead.

Angela grunts in annoyance before shooting her arm once again, "I missed." She cursed under her breath, "Hey! Look at me!"

Celosia looked back at her with a tinge of pain visible on her face, with her other hand, she started to use her first skill, "I have no cool down, girl." She threatens.

Angela was about to shoot one more time, but stopped abruptly when something, or should I say, someone, launched themselves at Celosia, canceling her skill in the process.

"Geez, that Imposore dude forgot my existence." Orion rolled his eyes, pinning Celosia to the ground, "Miss me?" He smirked.

Orion outstretched his hand towards Harith and Harley and started using one of his skills enabling them to start waking up, "Another one of their dumb skills."

"Being forgotten is an advantage at times." Angela laughs, coming out from her hiding spot.

"You brat." Celosia grits her teeth, shoving the mischief maker off her before jumping back a reasonable distance away from them.

"Saved you again, lovely." Orion grins once he noticed Nana waking up, she looked weak, but she was able to muster up a smile of gratefulness towards Orion and Angela.

Celosia held her arm out, seemingly using another of her skills, but was stopped when Orion waved his hand in her direction, "Don't get too cocky. You're not the only one who still has their skills." He laughed.

"Alright then." Celosia sneered, backing off into a bush, "If that's what you want. I will no longer hold back."

"No regret, miss emo." Orion salutes. Angela bent down next to Nana, a concerned look on her face, "Can you still make it?"

"Yeah..." Nana sighed, shakily getting up. Harith and Harley who was looking around in confusion, quickly approached them.

"What did she do to you?" Harith asks, his face darkening as he clenched his fists, "I'll kill her."

"Not now leopard boy, we need an explanation." Harley sighed, waving off Harith's intent to get real violent.

"We don't have much time, Harith, do your thing, and bring Harley and Nana with you." Orion says, "Angela and I will play around with this arrogant miss for a while." He says, smirking once again.

"No complaints." Harley nods, picking up Nana bridal style as he started running in the opposite direction, "No time to lose, Harith!"

Harith was still frozen in his spot with his fists clenched looked over, "How am I supposed to do my thing when I don't have my keys?" Right after he finished his sentence, Celosia lunged out, attempting to attack Harith, but her skill was cancelled by Orion who simply sighed in disappointment, "You're getting pretty weak, old hag."

Celosia furrowed her eyebrows in annoyance, she outstretched both her hands to use her spells, but was stopped when Diggie's second trap got sent at her.

"Not today, ma'am." Diggie shook his head, "Go along now Harith." He shoos, tossing his keys at him, "Don't ask how I have them. Now run, Orion, Angela, and I can handle her." He smiled.

Harith looked at the keys with hesitation, but nodded, "Be careful." He says before running to catch up with Harley and Nana.

"Nana!" Angela hesitantly called out, Nana raised her head weakly but looked at her anyway. "Take care of him... Both of them..." Angela smiled weakly.

Nana reluctantly nodded and returned the smile, "I promise."

And the three heroes were soon on their way, leaving a helpless Celosia to their friends. I mean, she wasn't helpless, it's just because of Orion's cancel skills that got mixed up with no cool down.

"We need to hurry." Harley says, sneaking a kiss on Nana's forehead, "I'm glad you didn't die."

"Now is not the time..." Harith tched when he noticed Nana's face heat up a bit. Harley rolled his eyes at Harith's jealous response before they stopped, "Alright, start doing your thing now, Harith." He says, putting down Nana who by now had enough strength to move around by herself.

"I don't understand why I had to be brought along." Nana mutters, wiping the sweat from her forehead, "I would've been better off as bait..."

"Everything happens for a reason, Nana." Harley smiled at her, he then turned to Harith with a glare, "Oy, what are you waiting for?"

"I'm on it, I'm on it!" Harith sent back his icy glare, he then looked down at the ground shamefully as he held the keys, "But first... There's some thing you two have to know."


"To time travel... A life has to be sacrificed."


"Now who made that stupid rule?!" Harley protests, his eye twitching from the surprise confession.

"B-but Harith... You've travelled a couple of times... Does that mean-?" Nana's eyes widened when Harith nodded to approve of her suspicion.

"Yes Nana, I've killed before." Harith frowned, "That's why..."

"I want you and Harley to time travel and sacrifice me."

Scarred By Love | Harley x Nana x Harith | Mobile Legends: Bang  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now