Chapter 31- Bruises.

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Nico's P.O.V.

The suspension lasted shorter than I would have liked. I almost couldn't even sleep that night thinking about what was in store for me the next day. I considered if I should go ahead and get myself expelled this time and have ten pounds of anxiety off my back.

All week my mind wandered back to the girl in the hallway. Was she doing okay? Had she told anyone? I felt like an ass for not saying what really happened. I could have saved her from future harm but I hadn't simply because I was a coward.

I went through my backpack one more time to make sure I had all my makeup work. It was the fourth time this morning already but I couldn't help it. The nerves in my body were on overdrive trying to find every possible thing that can go wrong today. I gulped nervously and ran my hands through my hair.

I cursed as I realized I was low on ambrosia. I would need to sneak into the infirmary tonight to get some more if I was to survive the week. I decided to fuck it and throw in a small first aid kit just in case.

The door creaked open just slightly as I headed out the door. The first period started in ten minutes and I already missed homeroom in fear of being caught in the morning halls. Mr. Mayson would also be showering me in questions if I showed up early.

Dead leaves crunched under my feet when I opened my eyes. The usually noisy woods were silent and void of any chirping birds for once. Gloomy thunderstorm clouds hung overhead as well. I counted neither of these good omens for the day.

I pushed my feet to move as fast as they could through the crowded sidewalks and hallways until I threw my bag down at the seat in the very back of the class just as the late bell rung. Mr. Mayson eyed me warily but didn't the same anything. I gave him a silent prayer of thank you in my head and laid my head on the desk, thankful to avoid at least one obstacle of the day.


"Because of your absence, I put you with Mr. Palace and Mr. Solace." The teacher says after explaining the project to me. I look back in pure shock.

"Is it possible I could work by myself?"

"You're already a week behind and the project is due today." He motions me back to my seat. "I'm afraid there's just no time."

I sigh, knowing I won't be able to get out of this. In all honesty, I had been thinking less and less of Will over the past month. I was still deathly scared of him but the bathroom accident made me see him as less of this scary beast and more human. Despite his beliefs, he was just as vulnerable as me.

I glance behind me at the two boys. Will had his head laid across his arms and smiling up at Cedric who had the same shit-eating grin on his face. A part of me felt betrayed that Cedric, one of the only people that I might have been able to call a friend in this hell, was siding with Will. The other part felt strange to see Will smile. It was a foreign concept and left my stomach in knots. Perhaps...Will was a nice person, I thought to myself, and I just did something to him that made him hate me.

I shuffled slowly over to the two conjoined desks where they had started scribbling stuff down on paper. Cedric was the first one to look up at me.

"Hello, how has your time off?" He jokes. "Never knew you had in you to be honest."

I glare at him, "It was peachy."

"I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not sometimes."


I could feel Will's stare on my face but I refused to give him the satisfaction of looking back. Instead, I pulled up and extra chair and sat it next to Cedric ignoring his presence. Cedric looked between the two of us curiously, sensing the tension.

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