Chapter 8- Demi-gods?

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Wills P.O.V.

"One...two...three" I look under the bed, to see...nothing. Confusion takes over my face. I swear I saw him run into here! I get back up and see a door on the other side of the building that looks like a bathroom. I make my way over, and swing it open with pop. Nothing.

I groan in frustration realizing he can magically disappear whenever he feels like. I had to put up my scary bully act to make him come back, but it seems like that didn't go as planned whatsoever.

I wonder if I will have to keep the act up here or not. Does this place have bullies like at school? What if I let it drop, and Nico tells everyone at school I'm a fag myself? What if he tells them I'm the actual weak one?

I can't do this to myself right now. I mentally pick myself up and look around myself. The first thing that my mind goes to is dark. Along with being gloomy and sad. It also gives me the feel of were a vampire would live, if that makes any sense. The walls are all black, and the beds sorta look like coffins. Wow, this place needs a serious makeover.

The door suddenly pops open revealing a curly blond hair girl. "Nico? Are yo-" she stops when her eyes meet mine. "Sorry, do you happen to know where Nico is? I saw you run in here after him and wanted to see if something was wrong." She asks worriedly.

"I was hoping if you could tell me actually. He just disappeared again out of nowhere."

"He really needs to stop doing that so often...Anyways, I'm guessing you're new here? I haven't seen you around."

I shake my head nervously, taking notice she has a sheathed weapon at her side. She seems to notice, putting her hands up. "Look, I'm not going to hurt you. Do you know anything about why you're here yet?"

"No, I don't think so. Not yet."

"Here let me take you to Chiron. He's better at explaining it." She admits, taking one more look around the room looking for Nico before gesturing for me to follow her.

I follow her outside, remembering the conversation I had with Chiron before we got cut off.

"So, I guess can try to sum up what this place is while we walk."

"Okay then. That's would be quite useful after today actually."

"So, obviously this place is a camp as you can tell from the shirts I'm sure you have noticed." I nod "Well about the weapons, which you saw to, of course, are used to protect ourselves is how I like to put it."

Does that mean I'm going to get murdered here or something? What the heck do I need to protect myself from? Sensing my fear, she proceeds. But her next words make no sense "from monsters."

What the fuck?

That's two people telling me today that fictional things are real. Is it national prank Will day or something? "I know that's a lot to take on, you might think I'm crazy. But trust me when I say this, they're real. I've been here for 10 years, and I've sure as heck I've seen some monsters. They give no mercy." She warns deadly seriously.

"On a side note, here we are. The Big House." I look up to see the house that previously held my presences. She walks up the stairs with me at side knocking at the door. Instead of waiting for a reply, she walks in to find a middle-aged man in a wheelchair.

"Yes Annabeth, how may I help you?" He says in the middle of some kind of card game. I look to see his opponent, and the first thing I notice are horns coming out of his head. Then my eyes wander to his legs to see fur. Lots of it. I rack my brain to try to remember what it's called...Saytar I believe the term was. Panic fills my chest as I realize they aren't actually things. They're from Greek Mythology. Why does everything keep coming back to fictional now?

"I just found, uhhh-"

"Will" I pipe up nervously

"-Will here in the Hades cabin. He hasn't really been told what this place really is yet and I was hoping if you could help explain? I'm no good at it." She walks over taking a seat next to him, making me do the same.

Okay, so call me crazy (which I'm probably am) but I thought Chiron was a horse thing, not a man in a wheelchair. "Ahh, Of course." He turns his attention onto me, smiling.

"Do you remember how I mentioned the Greek gods?"

"Yea..." I give him a suspicious look as he continues on.

"Well, they're no myth, young one. They are very much real. They move with the heart of the west, which is currently the United States."

My jaw drops with disbelief. Not that I believe what he said, but how crazy he sounds. What the Hell! I can't take this. I get up and walk to the door. These people are insane. They're probably trying to take me hostage now that I think about it. I reach for the doorknob when Annabeth, I think that was her name, pipes up. "We know about your Parent. The one who left you."

I swing my head back at them with anger boiling inside me. How do they know anything about him? He left my mom. He left me. If these people know who he is, I want nothing to do with them, especially now.

"I understand that they left you. All of our parents here left us." She says "Because they are God Will. One of the Olympian."

I almost laugh. A God? Seriously? Who do they think they're kidding? "If you don't believe me, ask anyone here. They will tell you. Heck, some of us can even demonstrate for you. But you are half-god Will. You are one of us. A Demigod."

Yer' a Demi-God Will XD

But sup my fellow book nerds. Having a Spoopy October? Almost Halloween...*dreams about all the free candy* I'm going as...wait for it...Myself! It's the scariest costume out there! (Plus the fact I'm broke af and can't afford a costume but don't throw off my vibe)

Well bye my Spoopy Ghost! 👻👻👻👻👻
(Two fanarts today 'cause I couldn't decide)

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