Chapter 18- Greif

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Wills P.O.V.

We stepped out of the huge, extremely extra cabin to the smell of ripe strawberries. I will say it again, this place was absolutely beautiful. The kind of place that would cost at least a few hundred for a night. Mom would love it here, I think to myself. It was a huge blown to the heart but I waited for it to pass

After a long talk with my cabin mates I eventually learned that most have a rocky past too. Alex, the brown haired girl that had saved Nico in the infirmary, was 17 and was deadly good a medical things. But it wasn't because she liked it, no. Her mother had a rough drinking problem and sometimes would hit her siblings and her. After being put in a foster home someone had found her and brought her here. She goes to visit them every other day. I found it astonishing how she could be so open about such a harsh subject knowing me only a hour or two.

James, a blonde headed boy with a quiff and green eyes, a height about 5'5, was only 14. He had been put into foster care at a very young age. No one really his age had ever talked to him, only adults and social workers leaving him pretty lonely until he ran away when he was 9. The boy had to steal from stores for food and live in abandoned houses just to survive. He told me that it was nothing but anyone could easily detect the lies riddled in his voice.

I went so long believing I was a only child and now that was all blown away. 12 siblings, 12 . All the new names and personality's came at me life a flood. It would take time to remember everything. They had told me how that it wasn't talked about much but depression seemed to be a high factor in demigods. The childhoods they are put through are usually not that great, and if it was seeing your friends and peers all around you die can mess you just as much. That unsettled me greatly. If this was the life i was getting into a would do anything to put it back and turn the clock around. But i couldn't, could i? I was stuck forever, however crappy.

After saying something about not seeing the whole camp Alex, Kayla, and Austin all decided to give me a tour. "But I wanna show him around too!" Protest Blake, an energetic 8 year old. Instead Alex just sighs and bends down to whisper into his ear. I overhear the word gummy bears when his face lights up. "Okay!!! I can do that!"

"Are you sure? Its a big job...."

"I can do it!!!" Blake fires back with determination on his face.

"Okay then," Alex replied, "If it gets to hard-"

"It won't!"

"Okay." She throws her hands up in defense playing with the child. Without realizing the frown I had been wearing wears off at the sight into a small smile.


"Man, what the hell...." Austin cusses and looks down at his soaked white shirt. "I told them I was out already!"

"You do realize the Stoll brothers don't listen, right? They are gonna prank as many people as possible since one of them are visiting from college. I forget which one honestly, can't tell them apart."

Alex shakes her head laughing then looking at my confused expression. "No matter what, just don't trust those two with anything. It will get stolen, slimed, hacked, or and up on a pole at the top of the Big House."

I let out a amused chuckle half-heartedly. I wasn't really in the mood for all of this.

"Over there is the lava wall, note: it's hot." To the right of us was a massive rock wall with ledges to climb to the top and ropes of different lengths. Some places lava was dripping down from the top. Above it was a thing to climb on to at the top with a zip line to go back down. I just stuff my hands back into my jacket pockets Izzy gave back earlier, not saying anything.

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