Chapter 25- Bricks.

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The taste of the material in my mouth was absolutely revolting. No matter how many times I struggled to spit the thing out, it stayed firm in its spot. The rope behind me was wrapped tightly around both of my hands.  It was digging slight creases into my wrist.

My instincts told me to squirm and break free, but another knew there was no actual way out unless I wanted to dig my ditch deeper. One person was on my left, sitting in the seat above my discarded form. To the right of my head, the same person who had overpowered me in the first place was driving. His voice gave it away. Although I couldn't see anything from the cloth over my eyes, I could sense that I was on the floorboard in between the two. Face down too, which fucking hurts.

The one to my left kept their foot on my back the whole time to sense any movement I made. Soon enough, my mind gave up on trying to find a way to escape and onto concertinaing on staying completely still.

"Miley, why didn't you tell me we needed gas?"

"Oops," the other responds with fake mocking in their voice. 

"God Damn it, I don't even know why he still stands you."

"You're just bitter he loves me more than you."

It was a young, feminine voice talking. Their attitude didn't seem to give off any likable vibes.

"Don't be a brat."

"You're right. Farther always did tell me to respect the elder."

"I am not old."

"Really? The anti-aging cream I found in your bathroom says otherwise."

The two bickers back and forth until the car finally comes to a stop.

"Stay here. I need to talk to Climen before we get to headquarters. They have a package there waiting for us."

"Aren't you going to give me some crayons and a juice-box, too?"

I hear a car open then slam shut again. "Watch it, kid."

A couple of minutes later, it was just us.
If I was going to escape, there wasn't much of a better time to do it. I heard people always say the element of surprise is key. So far today, I was finding that true.

If you didn't count the fact that it all ended up backfiring on me.

From what I knew, she gave no indication of knowing I was up. When they had first pushed me into the car, I was unconscious. Not long after, though, I had woken up. Confused at first, but then realizing the base of the situation.

Her foot wasn't that roughly applied onto my back. Enough for me to pull to the side quickly and back up. I still couldn't see anything, but knew where her body was located.

"Fuck!" She yelled, obviously duckling the blow when I go to slam my head into her.

Something like a war cry comes from me when I continue wildly whacking my head around. Suddenly I feel the cool cut of a blade on my arm with warm blood trickling down to my elbow. I hiss at the pain. It felt deep.

A foot connects my rib-cage, sending me back down to the ground. But this time I landed on my back. My face was straight up, so I desperately tried to push the fabric off my eyes with the seat. She intercepted it, grabbing the front of my collar and pulling me up. Her face was close to mine, making her deep breaths brush over my face.

"You're awake." She states, "Don't try that shit again or I sw-"

She was cut off by the sound of shattering glass. It was the window closet to her. Multiple pieces of glass rained down, some cutting me on the way down. Their hand releases me suddenly when I drop back to the ground once again.

When I've Fallen Too DeepOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant