Chapter 19- Breathless

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Wills P.O.V.

Kayla whistled as a arrow sailed narrowly pass my head and hit the wooded wall behind me, barely missing me. "Shit K, you can't do that to people! Your gonna accidentally miss and kill someone eventually!"

"Nah, I never miss." She says, winking at him, "Apollos charm."

"Well I hope that charm works with bringing people back to life, otherwise your gonna have some explaining to do."

The green haired girl rolls her eyes at Austin and picks up another arrow out of her quiver. My insides jump thinking she's about to finish the job. Instead, she loads it and gives it to me to shoot.

"Are you sure...?"

"Relax Will. All you have to do is pull the string back, aim, and shoot at the bullsye."

"What if I miss?"

"You miss then," Austin cuts in before Kayla could respond, "It's not a big deal, unlike it is to others. Aka K over there."

"Do not!"

"Mhm, sure."

I take the smooth, wooded bow from her. The string was pitch-black and the base was a deep shade of mahogany, ends pointing a little outward to the sides. It was beautiful. "It was a gift," she says, "From Dad."

I glanced nervously at both of them before lifting the bow and arrow to eye level. My right hand pulls back the string with the same three fingers I had examined other archers doing in the past. I close one eye and let the arrow line up with the multicolored  foam target, nearly 50 feet away. My stupid hands shake making it hard to get a steady focus on it. With a deep breath I let the arrow go flying.

I stay absolutely still, frozen in place, eyes closed.  When all I hear is silence fear consumes my being. What if I hit someone? A slow clapping brings me back to life. I blink my eyes open to see that the arrow had indeed made the target. It was wedged in the white edges at the very edge. Not actually touching the colored centered parts but close enough though.

"Well there's no blood or guts spilling out on the archery range or screaming so you did great in my book." Austin jokes, mirroring my thoughts. 

"Yeah," I respond, "I guess."


Just looking into the dark room gave a somber feeling to my stomach. It reeked, threatening to throw up my nonexistent  lunch. It undeniably hadn't been opened in a while. My eyes started adjusting to the dim lighting from outside to see the space was narrow yet filled to the brim with weapons. It was about the size of a two small cars side by side. Suddenly a flash of light comes from behind me.  

"Whoa dude, its just me.  Relax." Austin says from behind me on the stairs, coming down. The place was a weapons bunker. "We don't usually use this bunker, the weapons in this one are little older. Hephaestus kids like showing off their skill by making awesome weapons." He looks at my confused face, "He's the god of forges and fire." he explains," If you don't see anything here that gravitates to your liking we can always go there. This was just closer." He moves his hands across the wall and flips a switch turning the lights on. 

"Um okay I guess."

My eyes sweep across the room. Swords, shields, knives, even bows, were hung up and scattered along the room, all coated with thin layers of dust. I take a side glance at Alex at my side and she gives me a small grin. "Go ahead, chose."

Nico's P.O.V.

Trust is a dangerous game. We either soar or drown, no in between. It can control us like rapid dogs, make us heartless and cruel. Trust can devour our being, making it as though we are suffocating endlessly; always grasping desperately for a ledge, a hand, a piece of sanity, anything. Trust isn't something to be messed with. Its a vicious cycle of ever ending pain. 

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