Chapter 12- Help

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(Play Song)

Wills P.O.V.

I lay on the floor of the dark room, emotions bursting inside of me. Deep sobbing escapes me. The darkest emotions known to mankind seep into me. No matter how hard I cry physically, the inside pain will never amount.

Anger, Despair, Grief. They can come in all sizes. Small doses and large ones alike. We can try to outrun them, but there will always be that lingering fact in the back of are minds that they will. Catch. Up. No matter what, darkness will consume you. It can be for a few minutes, hours, days, or even years. But it doesn't fade out like a flame. It stays strong until another fire is lit. But you can't light a flame in the dark.

I lay there on the floor for what seems like hours, but most likely just minutes, until light seeps into the room from behind me. I don't even try to straighten myself up. It's not worth it. My body stays glued to the floor

"Will? Wi-" a feminine voice says from the opening. "Oh my gods!" Oddly light footsteps hurriedly find there way towards me and kneel next me. "Hey....I got you. Okay?" She sits down and puts my head it her lap.

I dont respond, only continuing to let the tears roll down my face with choking sobs. "'s okay" She whispers moving her hand up and down my back.

It's not okay, though. The one person in existence that loved me. That excepted me. That cared for me...

Harsh tears splatter my face even harder at the thought. My throat is sore from the sobbing and any lasting energy I had is gone, this making me lean into lizzes touch more.

"'s gonna work out wherever it is. Trust me? Sometimes the universe likes to toy with us." She stops to choose her words carfully "But you know how to make it stop it? Just yell 'Fuck off universe!' right in it's face. "

I half-heartedly laugh at her attempt to brighten the atmosphere. Barely audible, I mutter a quick 'Fuck off' and she smiles.

After a few dreadful minutes of silence, she pulls my body up to where my chin was resting on her shoulder so she could hug me.

I wish this could just stop. I wish I had escaped the pain when we moved but it seems like anything but. How long until I'm trapped again in darkness? Until there will be no light? No flame? Nothing to hold on too?

I've tried for so long to be strong, but these words planted in my head are like firecrackers popping out from all directions. I had yelled my heart out to universe, cussing it out with every word I could think of. Yet it doesn't change a thing. It won't back down like how lizze thinks. If anything it gets annoyed and punches you in the gut to make you shut up.

I wipe my tear covered face with the back of my palm. I shouldn't blame all my problems on the universe. It's my fault for being so pathetic. I can barely stand for myself.

"No matter what you think to yourself, I want you to remember this. The stongest people aren't the ones who show strength in front of us but those who are fighting battles no one know about."


Time skip

Nico's P.o.V.

The red mist surroundeds me as i fight for air. Every step becoming harder then the next. Growls and yowls sound out from the growing distance. Pain, as if needles where piercing my skin from everywhere from the toxins in the air, has me in it's grip.

The words 'Find the door' play on repeat and repeat in my head. I have no idea what they mean, I don't even  know how they came to be because of my dreadful state. They become my mission though. The sensation of wanting to give up, weighs me down but I don't let it. I have to find my way out, I which case I will find the doors.

Desperation quickly becomes the only thing that keeps me going. The only thing that truly reminds me I'm alive. That I'm human.

A cross between a yell and growl comes from behind me. Knowing I for sure don't have enough energy for another life-or-death situation, I run. I run into the unknown. I try to find a place to hide, but I can't see anything. I can't hear. Panic fills me. My knees buckles from underneath me. Then I fall.

I jerk awake, my heart beating fast. Looking around me with panic, I only see the basic hospital beds lined up against both sides of the wall. My heart calms slightly at the fact that I'm not in Tartarus. I look down at the digital clock next to me on the bedside stand, to see it's 9:46 A.M. It's to early for this....

A Apollo kid, apparently the one who helped me not die and whatnot, sees that I'm awake and there face brightens up. She drops what she was doing, which looked like organising medical supplies, and makes her way towards me.

"You feelin' better?" I just shake my head to reply a yes, as I pull my back covers back on I kicked off of me in my sleep.

"Well it looks like you suffered from major internal bleeding caused by some cuts to some of your arteries, and a bite mark from who knows what to the leg. Your not going to be able to use it for awhile." She informs "You also going to have to skip the next week or two of school. Is that okay?"

Not that I really have choice...I tell myself but I just mumble a soft "mhm" before I fall asleep again.


The first half of this chapter got deleted, then I had to rewrite it. THEN THE OTHER HALF GOT deleted and I was extremely pee-ed off.

Also new school neat. All the girls here are 110% fake exept only a few. Oh, and I also had to to take a suRPRISE ALGEBRA EOC TODAY. IT WAS 50 QUESTIONS AND I WANTED TO DIE. It was because I was in algebra at my other school, but here it's a 9th grade class and they wanted to make my schedule right and blah blah blah...



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(I'm doing a inspirational one and a funny one both now)

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(I'm doing a inspirational one and a funny one both now)

When I've Fallen Too DeepDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora