Chapter 14- Sun

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Edited-ish (what's new)

It seems I'm always apologizing on being late....oh well

Will P.O.V

Faint light trickles into my vision as I slowly wake up. Confusion sets into me as I realize I'm not in my bed, or any bed for that matter. I'm lying on a wooden floor tangled in limbs...That aren't mine. I jump back not knowing who i was next too. Please tell me I wasn't drugged and raped.

Fully awake and aware of my surroundings, I stand up. The person had a mess of crazy brown hair sticking up in all directions. It was Izzy slightly snoring. I sigh in relief. Virginity still intact. She must be a hard sleeper cause I'm sure my mini heartattack was not so quite.

Like a stab to the gut, last nights events come back to me. Emotions whirl inside me. I want to kill the man who killed my mother, yet I also want to to be a rational human being and sit down and weep for my loss never endingly. I want to crawl in a hole and hide from the fact also.

My fist clench as unwilling tears come down my face. 'No point in crying, she's gone and there is nothing you can do about it. Stop being such a cry baby.' The little voice in the back of my head whispers. I try to obey but my stupid body won't listen and  continues on. The hot tears come down my face make me feel weak.

I wipe my fast hastily with my shirt sleeve. Like how I usually do, I try to block my emotions and focus on the more important things. For example, A)Not having taken a shower. B)Still wearing the same clothes. C) Everything with asshole farther who left me. (Even if he had)

I try to make myself decent to walk down stairs to get some help. My vision leans towards Izzy. I feel bad about leaving there on the floor, but it's probably for the best. She wouldn't want to see me after last night like most people would. Maybe I should at least cover her up. It is pretty cold. I look around the room for something but come up dry. My is jacket the only thing I could use, so I tug it off and gently put it over the snoring girl. I shiver at the temperature difference


The creak of the stairs make a loud echo throughout the building as I walk down them. I have no idea what time it is so I don't know if anyone is even up.

The carpet of the bottom floor greets me as I step down. The clock in the corner of the room saying it's 8:42. "Why are you up so early?" A voice says nearby. My head spins around trying to locate it. Chiron was sitting near the window of the building looking at the empty strawberry fields.

"I'm sorry"

"What are you apologizing for child?"

He tears his eyes away from the window to meet mine. Worry takes over his face. "Are you okay?" He asks. I ignore his question and ask him if he has any clothes I could use.

"Ill let you borrow some from the camp store." He replies, clearly not letting him question slide.

    ∆∆∆∆∆∆∆Time skip∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆

Surprisingly the clothes had fit well. It was a orange shirt with a pegasus on it with the words camp half-blood around it. Just like all the other ones I've seen.

I step out of the small room and see Chiron waiting for me. "They fit alright? Good.", he observes. "I need to have a little talk with you for minute if that's okay." Worry fills me, what did I do? What happened? "By the way I saw you and lzzy In quite the embrace last night. Don't panic. This isn't the birds and the bees talk. You can do as you wish." I choke. He chuckles and geatures for me to sit on the green couch next to the fire place.

"I just a one question though," he continues "why where you here in big house? Wasn't lzzy so possessed to take you to your cabin?"

I nod akwardly, pain still sharp in my heart "She was...but things sort of happened."

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I shake my lowered head with a no. "I see," he says, "some things are just to painful to retell."

Silence sits thick in the room for a couple minutes before he speaks again.

"Do you know what that lyre mentor above your head when you had helped Nico last night in the woods?"

"No sir"

"It's the gods Apollo's symbol."


He turns away from me, and back towards a record player. He messes for a little bit before a soothing melody come from his direction. It slightly clears my mind letting me think more clearly.

"When a god or goddess claims a child of their own, there symbol appears above the them."

"Your saying that my dad is Apollo? The Apollo?"

"In fact, yes I am." He turns to me with old but genuine smile. "Would you like a cup of coffee?"

"Yes please" I smile as he leaves the room. Only a few seconds after he takes a leave, a new voice appears.

"Will?" Izzy's says from behind me. I turn around to see her behind me with a panicked expression on her face.  "Gosh darn it don't do that,  you scared the living shit out of me!" She comes over to me and lightly smacks me upside the head.

"Sorry I didn't wanna wake you...."

"Well you accomplish that, but also gained a smack to the head." She comes over to sit next to me trying to tame her calm hair. I laugh as Chiron comes back into the room carrying two mugs that said 1# centar and My archery puns are on target. He looks up surprised to see Izzy sitting next me while he hands me the cup.

"Good. Your awake"

Sup how you doing. Guess what? Remember how I have tons of trains in my smol little hole of a town? Well someone got hit and killed by a train yesterday. Fun.

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