Chapter 6- Attacked

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I stare at him, fearing for my life. I don't think I've ever been more scared in my life, and that's saying a lot. He is a complete nightmare. Now he is penetrating my Demi-God life. I won't be able to get away. He will find me to matter where I go...

I make a split decision and run. I run from the truth. Will is a half-blood. I run even faster. He will find you no matter where you are. Tears start to form in my eyes, but I quickly wipe them away. Crying is the last thing I need to do right now.

I find my way into the woods when I see him running right behind me. I sprint even harder than before. If he catches me...

I'm at least a third a mile in the woods when a hand wraps around my arm. Crap. I try to pull my arm away from his grip, but it doesn't let me. It's probably going to leave a bruise.

I try to calm myself down. I've shown too much weakness already in front of him already. Instead of trembling in fear I try to put on my strong suit. Metaphorically, I'm surprised it fits. I feel so small an weak against Will.

"What just freaking happened?!" He yells making me wince on the inside.


"Yea, that huge beast thing that just attacked me was nothing."

I try to yank back my arm regaining control once again but I don't run. He would be expecting that and hurt me even more. Now that I think about, he hasn't even punched me once yet. Usually, he cuts straight to the violence. He probably just wants answers first...

"Don't touch me," I yell with fake confidence

"Then answer my question. What was that, and why is your ring now a sword? Why are you so good at fighting? Why can you disappear?"

Why can you disappear...

From what I know I never shadow traveled in front of him.

"What do you mean I can disappear? Did you follow me?"


"You call me the freaking stalker!" Why can't I shut up? That's just going to get me punched even more!

"Look, I so-"

"Don't. I don't need empty words. Especially not from you."

Was he seriously about to apologize? I can't believe it. Will Solace apologizing. Unbelievable! I'm just having wishful thinking. He probably was going to say something along the lines "Look, I'm so going to kill you if you don't answer" I shake internally.

"Non posso freaking credere questo! voi, su centinaia di persone possibili, sono uno di loro!!!" I shout out in frustration.

"What did you just say?"

"None of your business"

"I'm making it my business"

"I'll tell you when Zeus stays faithful to Hera."



Yea. I'm so going to be killed by him, if that.

"Can you please explain to me what that was back there now, and how you were able to kill it?"

"Fine! It was the chimera. Are you happy now?" I yell, only half answering his question.

"A what now?"

"A chimera." He rubs his temples and sits down near a tree.

" Isn't that like a monster from mythology or something?"


"That's not real though."

"Oh boy, they're real"

"That's makes no sense! Is called mythology for a reason!"

This is going to take awhile. How do you explain to your Tormenter,that punches and kicks you almost everyday, that he is part god?

"That's for mortals to believe."

"What? Mortals? You say that like you aren't one."

"I'm not."


I could just run and shadow travel away right now. I could just let the monsters have him. But I have to have to bring him to camp.

"Wow. This is much harder then i though it would be. I know for sure it wasn't as hard for me."

"Can you go back to the part were you said your not mortal? That's could use some explaining please."

"Just follow grab a hold of me, and be quite"


"Because I said so. I wouldn't want to just hold your hand for any old reason. If anything I don't even want to breath the same air. This is the only way. Grab my hand."

I can't actually believe I'm talking Will Solace to camp. It's the equal to a homeless person Winning the lottery, then the scratch ticket falls into a puddle of water. It's just unbelievable. I'm never going to be safe now.

I try to get rid of the thought so I am able to picture camp. Apparently, it works, I feel myself melting into the shadows.

We appear at the porch of the big house, but before I even have time to say anything I'm out cold.

[Future me: Hi. This is the shortest chapter I have because I had to delete almost all of the first half for it to make sense after I rewrote the first few chapters. The writing is really crappy for the next couple of chapters and I'm honestly so sorry for that. You can see my writing slowly progress though. The newest chapter are the best.]

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