Chapter 3- Hazel.

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Nico's P.O.V.

Apparently, I had slept in longer than I thought.

Hazel busted into my room at exactly ten past one making her presence well known. She threw down her luggage on the bed right next to mine before jumping onto mine and tackling my barely conscious form with a hug. I had winced slightly but she didn't take notice.

"Nico! You've grown!"

"Geez Hazel, let me get out of bed first."

"It's past lunch!"

"...your point is? It's the weekend."

She rolled her eyes but that didn't didn't detest the large grin on her face. Because of the great distance, Hazel has only come to camp two or three times. That's why she was staying a whole week and a half instead of just the weekend like Percy and Annabeth.

"Fine," I groan and let myself indulge in the happiness she radiated. She was the only family I had left to hold on too and I'll be damned if I was going to let her slip through my hands as well.

My pale face turned into a deep shade of crimson when I realized I went to sleep in a large purple t-shirt that came down to my knees. All my other clothes the harpies were cleaning so this was the only thing left that wasn't sweaty or bloody. Luckily, the banket hadn't yet slid my shoulders for her to see anything.

"Um, Hazel?"


"Do you think you can get me a set of clothes out of my trunk?"

"Oh..," her cheeks grew red in embarrassment. "Yes, just hold on a minute."

A few seconds later she handed me a redshirt decorated with little Hawaiian flowers, black jeans, and underwear. I glared at her when I saw the choice of a top and she only smiled.

"Neeks, you need some color in you! Plus, it was the only one left..." She pouted and gave me puppy dog eyes that she knew I couldn't resist.

I rolled my eyes at her childishness. "Finnnne-," she jumped up excitedly, cutting me off. "-but only because it's the last one."

"Good. After you change, we need to catch up, okay?"

"Sound great, just go into the bathroom or something while I change."

She nodded, "Can I take a shower as well?"

"Hazel, this isn't just my cabin. It's both of ours."

"Oh yeah, I forgot."

She turned around and grabbed her clothing and then heading towards the bath. Once I heard the water turn on and knew for a fact she wasn't about to barge back in, I pulled back the blanket to start getting dressed. It was a routine by now to check for any remaining cuts or bruises that needed to be healed. Of course, some had left scars in various places, but the worst part was that the bruises remained a common sight on my body.

I poked at one below my ribs and winced. It definitely wasn't close to being healed. An image of Will Solace slips through to my thoughts for a second and I clench my fist. Oh just how ironic that name truly was.

I realized I was stalling and threw on the pastel-colored shirt on. After nearly a year or two, it finally fit. It wasn't baggy or stained like all the others. The shirt itself was a gag gift from Reyna after the Giant war because the other has ruined and she just knew how much I loved it.

I glanced at the clock to see it was twelve-forty. My stomach yelled at me for the lack of food it had been receiving but I shrugged it off and just decided to wait for Hazel before leaving. So I plopped down on one of the small black couches the cabin held and decided to work on missed schoolwork. English had always been my worst subject. Stupid dysfunctional eyes.

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