Taking a poll

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Hello lovely readers!

I am so overwhelmed by the response to this story ! Never in my wildest dreams did I think this so many people would read my story. The stats show you guys are reading this book in over 10 countries!!!! HOLY COW!!!

I forgot to add an exciting announcement—This book has been nominated for the WATTYS!!! This is a huge honor for my first book. Fingers crossed!! 

I really loved this story and I had a personal connection to it. Sadie's story is one that I think many young women can relate too simply because of the huge effect rumors like this can have on someone. 

I am here today to ask you guys if anyone would be interested in a second book to continue on Sadie's journey. I have been toying with the idea of doing a prequel of sorts, exploring what exactly it was like for Sadie at her old school while the rumors were running rampant. 

Please comment , like this post or even message me if this is something you guys would like to see happen! 

Thank you again for all the support !!!! 

Love you all!


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