"Boom Bitch"

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'I'm getting you out of here. I hope you can forgive me, I never wanted this. I'm so sorry. -Ariana.'

Shawn read it three times, just to make sure he wasn't making it up in his heavy head. It hurt so bad he felt like it was floating, and he hadn't eaten anything in three days, so he felt like shit. It had been a few hours since the two casters had left, and both Shawn and Lauren were too nervous to look at the small pink plastic ball. Lauren played with it in her hands for a while, hearing the paper inside shuffle, but eventually Shawn had grown tired and frustrated with the procrastination and finally ripped it open.

"What is it, Shawn?" Lauren whispered.

"It says she's getting us out of here... that she's sorry..." Shawn told Lauren in disbelief. "Is she lying to get us to do something? Is this a trap?"

She was silent as Shawn looked down at her now still form. All she could hear was the dripping of water, for some reason no longer flowing like it usually did. She took little notice of this due to the task at hand, though.

"I don't know..." Lauren admitted carefully. "But for now it's all we got."

That's when the noises started, feet pounding on metal and concrete, bangs and clashes echoing through the chamber. They waited and listened, their ears straining weakly due to lack of energy.

A crack of stone, a groan of metal. A scream.

The large metal hatch burst open as Ariana bolted through and closed the door behind her. She hurriedly rushed over to the table with the map on it and grabbed anything she could to store in a large duffel bag she carried over her shoulder. Shawn slowly led Lauren up to her feet and dragged them both to the door of the cage.

"Is it true?" he asked cautiously. "Are you really going to help us?"

"Oh, it's true, wolf boy." Ariana smirked back at them with wide, frightened eyes that were trying to be brave. "We're getting out of here." 

Shawn saw the look of determination in her eye and nodded, his fears quenched by the fierce look of retaliation and mischief in the small girl's eyes. He had no choice but to have faith. 

Without much of a thought, Shawn lifted Lauren and threw her onto his back with a grunt. He was still weak, but Lauren was so light it was like she wasn't there at all. 

Lauren tried to see something, anything that would explain to her what was going on. She hated this confused feeling of not knowing what was happening.

"Shawn, what's happening?" her voice broke.

"You just hold on, okay? We're getting out of here. I won't let anything happen to you." Shawn assured. He watched as Ariana grabbed the last thing from the table and walked over to the door of the cage.

"Step back..." She warned as she lifted her hands. Shawn watched the fluidity she showcased as blue waved danced around her hand, the soft caresses of a spell meant for no harm. Shawn had never seen anything so elegant. But he soon saw the results of elegance as the door flew backwards towards him with a loud bang and he was barely able to get out of the way before and it crashed into the wall behind him.

"Boom bitch." Ariana smirked mischievously as Shawn stared at her in awe. "Let's go."


The fight was not going well.

Noah was being held down by one of the dread doctors, Camila thought it might have been the surgeon, but she couldn't tell for sure. All she could see were flying claws and flashing teeth being repressed by a strong metal arm and steam shooting out of the monster's neck. Cole and Billie were doing their best to try and attack him from behind, but he merely held them back with his other arm as he slowly choked Noah to death.

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