"Shawn I want to kill them..."

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Shawn and Lauren were starving.

The cold, damp floor was the closest thing they could call a bed, and their only source of heat was each other. Shawn found himself clinging to the smaller girl, huddling himself over her as she shivered in his arms. He couldn't stop shaking, but not from the cold. The atmosphere around them was toxic, it choked them.

A cloud of smoke was constantly surrounding them, making their thoughts blurred and fragmented. No one had come to give them any food or water since those bastard casters. It had started raining during the night, and Shawn and Lauren were so desperate for warmth, they huddled together in the driest corner they could find and tried to sleep. But they both knew that they didn't close their eyes, not for a second. They were too afraid those things would come for them when their guard was let down.

Shawn felt Lauren shivering again and held her closer to his chest. He found himself worrying about the girl constantly, completely forgetting that he was supposed to hate her. Because he couldn't hate her, they were in this together. All they had was each other, so what else was he supposed to do? Hating her wasn't going to help anything, and he knew he had no right to hate her anyway. She had never truly done anything to him.

Lauren was done with being afraid. The initial shock that came with blindness had taken it's toll on her. But now she had adjusted to it, she had her senses back. And she was furious.

She was fierce, even in her state. Shawn could see her fury bubbling in her expression. She was ready to explode, but she just needed something to explode on. She still didn't talk too much, but Shawn had learned to read her body language, and found himself unnecessarily intimidated. The anger coming off of her was potent.

The both shot up as soon as the clicking sound made an appearance once more. Lauren's eyes were a deep grey, reflecting her mood, and Shawn had bags under his eyes. 

The dread doctors constantly moved in sync as they walked through the metal hatch, not bothering to look down but knowing when to turn or step without having to look. It was creepy, to say the least.

"Shawn, what are they doing?" Lauren whispered, a slight edge to her voice. She was itching to get her hand around someone's throat, ready to burst through the cage doors if she had to.

Shawn shushed her, holding his arm in front of her protectively. He watched as the men went in separate directions, one to a work table, the other to a desk with a map on it and the last one, the one with three holes in his mask for eyes and breathing tubes coming out of its mouth, stood directly in front of their prison. He seemed to watch them as they backed up against the wall, Shawn stood in front of Lauren protectively.

Shawn knew Lauren was vulnerable in her blind state, but figured the roles would definitely be switched if that weren't the case. The dark-haired girl was much stronger than he was, but now she was demobilized, he had to step up. 

The dread doctor tilted its head to the side, as if questioning them. A sharp and loud clicking noise came out of him, making Shawn and Lauren hold their ears at the horrifying sound of it. The other dread doctor sitting at the work table seemed to reply by clicking back.

"I think that's how they communicate..." Lauren whispered. "What are they doing now?"

"One's at a table on the other side of the room..." Shawn whispered, watching for any reaction the man might have for him talking. He saw nothing as the man continued to stare at him lifelessly. "The other is looking at... I think it's a map. And the third, he's..."

"What?" Lauren asked, her voice shaking in frustration at Shawn's hesitation.

"He's just watching us..."

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