Chapter 17: The Forest of Death

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'I am the second examiner, Mitarashi Anko. Let's go to the next exam!' she exclaimed, punching the air with enthusiasm. 'Follow me!'

All the Genins stared at her blankly.

'Grasp the atmosphere.' Ibiki muttered to her, making her embarrassed.

Anko looked around the room and raised an eyebrow. 'Ibiki, you let 26 teams pass? The first exam must have been too soft.'

'It looks like there are a lot of excellent students this time.' said Ibiki.

Anko scoffed before smirking. 'Oh, well ... I'm going to make more than half of the teams fail in the next exam.'

I gulped, clenching my fists. Is the exam going to be that difficult? My eyes trailed to my teammates who were all seated in rows that were in front of my row.

Sakura looked tense, and I couldn't blame her, Sasuke looked fine while Naruto ... Well, he was just like his usual self so I guess that's fine.

'I will explain the details tomorrow.' said Anko, the glint in her eyes was with what seemed like mischief and excitement. 'We will go somewhere else, so ask your Jounin teachers about the rally point and time. That is all. Dismissed!'


'Wh-what is this place?

Behind Anko was a ginormous fence that separated us from what looked a forest. The forest did not look at all welcoming.

'This is where the second exam will take place. The forty-forth training area ...' said Anko, smirking. 'Also known ... As the Forest of Death.'

I felt blood drain from my face and I felt light-headed all of a sudden. Forest of Death? What kind of bloody name is that?

'You're not scared are you?' I heard Sasuke whisper into my ear. I snapped my head towards him and glared when I saw him smirking.

'So what if I am?' I hissed. 'I don't want to die just yet, Uchiha.'

'You'd better not bring the team down.' he muttered, still smirking.

I clicked my tongue in annoyance. 'Go evaporate somewhere, Uchiha.'

He was about to respond but was cut off by Naruto looking suspicious.

'What're you two whispering about?'

I folded my arms and walked towards Naruto, looking annoyed. 'Sasuke's being a prick.'


'All right, let's go!' Naruto exclaimed as Team 7 stepped inside.

After a while of exploring the forest, Naruto declared he needed to pee. He ran towards a tree and pulled down the zip of his pants, only to get punched on the head by Sakura.

'Idiot! What are you trying to do in front of a lady?' she yelled, outraged. 'Go behind the grass!'

I sighed. Leave it to Naruto to be inappropriate.

'I peed a lot,' announced Naruto, as he appeared. 'That felt good!'

I was about to smile and roll my eyes but quickly narrowed my eyes at his cheek as Sakura yelled at him once again. The scratch on his cheek made by Anko, was gone. This was not Naruto.

I ran towards him and pinned him to a huge tree, pointing a kunai at his neck.

'Makoto!' Sakura gasped. 'You didn't have to go that far!'

'What are you doing?' the fake Naruto yelled, trying to push me away.

'That should be my line!' I growled, punching him in the face, sending him flying back.

'Makoto!' Sakura said, grabbing my arms. 'Stop that!'

'Let go of me!' I demanded but her grip was tight. I turned towards Sasuke. 'Sasuke -'

'Mm, I know.' he said, making me sigh with relief as he charged towards the impostor with his kunai.

'Sasuke-kun, Makoto, please stop.' Sakura pleaded.

I glared at her. 'Open your eyes!'


'Spill it! Where's the real Naruto!' Sasuke demanded.

'What are you talking about?' said the fake Naruto, feigning to be confused.

'What happened to the wound on your face?' said Sasuke, narrowing his eyes. 'You're even worse than Naruto at transforming. You fake loser.'

Sakura let go of me, looking both shocked and confused as the impostor undid his transformation jutsu. He was now a man with a cloth covering his top part of his face except for his eyes and was wearing what looked like a breathing mask.

'How unlucky,' he drawled. 'I guess I have no choice since you found me out. Which one of you has the scroll?'

I held out my kunai and scoffed,'And what makes you think we'll hand it over to you willingly?'

'If you give it up quietly, I'll spare your lives.'

None of us backed out.

'I see,' the man said. 'I have to use force now!'

And then, he charged.

I am super sorry for the long wait! With exams and stuff and my wifi has been absolutely annoying these past few days. I will be updating more from now on though if my wifi cooperates. But thanks for reading~

Hello, Heartache ~Uchiha Sasuke Love story~Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz