"How convenient," Calvin says, peering to our left. "A bookstore. Maybe we can find some new worlds in there?"

"You're freaking cute, you know that," I reply, dragging him along. "It's been a hot minute since I've sat down with a new piece of literature. I've been caught up with work, travel, Netflix series', and you. I should cut one of those out so I have more time to read books. Guess Calvin's gotta go..."

"Hey, hey! Not funny, man," he whines. I skim a glass case containing vintage and limited edition novels. These have always caught my eye, and I started a collection years ago. I had to leave them behind when I moved to New York. I told Calvin all about that, and he bought me a signed copy of Alice in Wonderland for Christmas. I didn't even have time to admire it, really, because we left for a flight the next day, but Calvin says I can either read it and enjoy it or we can get a display case installed at home. I haven't decided, but I might display if I revive my collecting.

Add to my list of side quests: infiltrate and recover the sacred texts left behind in my homeland. God, I'm such a nerd. I'm glad I don't say these things out loud for Calvin to hear them. He'd probably head for the hills if he knew what a dork I was. Wait, he already does. I guess that says something about him. He's either really into dorks, or he loves doing charity work.

Calvin clears his throat. "Have you ever read this? It's titled Through Open Eyes. Jean Young." I shake my head, taking the book as Calvin hands it to me. I admire the cover and unique structure of the pages. Just by skimming it, I know I would love to take it home.

"I like it," I say, handing it back to him with a nod.

"I actually met Jean when I was... eleven? I was a fan, and she was doing a book signing at the University here. This was 1996, mind you, so my means of getting there from Edinburgh were little to none. I begged with my mother. She approved finally, and I got to take the train all by myself there and back. It was the only time I had seen my birthplace since infancy. She told me I was too young to be a fan, but she admired my maturity for being one anyway."

"That's really awesome, Calvin. You should try meeting her again someday. Maybe she remembers you." Calvin blushes.

"I-I doubt she'd remember me. It was over twenty years ago, and I was one in hundreds of strangers in one day." I giggle, shoving the book against his chest and patting his hand there.

"We'll get the book, you reread it, and let me know if we should email her or something. I'm sure I can find a way to contact her." Calvin gulps and nods. I never knew he could get so worked up over his idols.

"You think she'd actually talk to me?" he asks.

I nod. "Honestly, yeah. Writers are pretty weird people. They'll do anything new and interesting to inspire their writings. Then again, if she's retired from literature, maybe she will decline. Can't hurt."

"I'm sorry, did you say you wanted to meet Jean Young?" the store worker asked.

I cock a brow. "Yeah, possibly. It depends, really."

"You're talking like it's simple to send a famous author a message and set up a meeting."

"I'm talking like I'm the CFO of a technology company and I have the necessary means to do so, thank you very much."

"You, a Chief Financial Officer? I'm surprised a faggot got a job like that. You're usually the errand boys, aren't you?"

Calvin growls, "Excuse me motherfu–"

"Calvin, lets just go," I interrupt, grabbing his wrist hard and dragging him out.

"Cunt!" Calvin spits as we head out the door. "What's the big idea?"

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